Administrative Forum Creative solutions during an economic challenge. Prepared by Michael Sgro ’97 & Beth Scanlon ’78 Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Overview The Administrative Forum respectfully submits a menu of options as we face these challenging economic times together Revenue Generating Cost saving Transparency/morale Quality of workplace Mission
Revenue-generating Create a Summer Start program for undergrads focused on leadership Market the College to the City as a place to do business (i.e. Visitors Bureau) Increase opportunities to have the local Syracuse community access talent at the College Offer graduate student housing with spaces not otherwise utilized by undergrads Increase High school programs, summer institutes
Cost-savings ideas Issue an optional call for 10 month contracts Unit heads should drive the GREEN Le Moyne initiatives to save on college spending (i.e. lights and computers off at night) Re-examine week-long inauguration plan. Push/pull with current hiring strategies Conduct an administrative audit to ensure equity across the college (Consider more dotted line relationships.)
Cost-savings ideas page 2 Look at current talent of organization members before we look to contract a vendor for services (much like faculty specialties, create a working document of Admin. Talent) Share best practices in saving college dollars across units (maybe web site listing)
Transparency/Morale Create a consistent evaluation process across campus that directly relates to job description and that provides clear incentives, accountability and rewards. Provide opportunities for ongoing education and improvement Clarify all salary policies and their costs Use benchmarking data that is relative to our market in compensation and that includes full details and institutional contexts
Transparency/Morale page 2 Establish a more transparent process for internal job candidates Provide information about Administrator salary ranges/ban Invest in the talent. Use the HR website as a tool to educate and assist employees regarding career paths with both job descriptions and salary grade information. Offer periodic developmental opportunities to educate on issues that are broad (i.e. marketing webinars, advance IT technical training)
Transparency/Morale page 3 The Equal Opportunity committee has not met in at least three years and should convene this semester Clarify policy on early retirement benefits Establish a plan to address the 22 positions that are under-compensated Study the mean salary of the College and give those under the mean a percent increase to bring them closer to the middle
Quality of workplace Half day Fridays in the summer complemented with half day Mondays to stay open 5 days Consider supplementing vacation time in the next cycle to offset zero salary increase Create a model of a four day work week: Option One: A four day 9 hour week Option Two: Four days at work and one working from home (department approval) Option Three: Employees who might opt to take a salary decrease for a 4 day week
Mission: use us wisely! Clarify policies related to service especially as it relates to students. A process should be set up to work with personnel who offer their time to serve the greater community and participate in the college mission We would like to support and help shape GREEN Le Moyne initiatives to save on college spending (i.e. lights and computers off at night)
Your questions for us?