Challenges in the selection, design and implementation of an online submission and peer review system for STM journals ELPUB 2007 – Vienna, Austria - June 14, 2007 Judy Best – NRC CISTI
Overview Background What is OSPREY? Overview of OSPREY’s features Build or Buy? Methodology Technologies – Open Source and Other Technologies Implementation Impact Current Events Future Work
Background Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI)
Background CISTI –science library and a world leader in document delivery for all areas of science, technology, engineering and medicine NRC Research Press –CISTI’s publishing arm, publishing since 1929 –publishes 16 international print and online STM journals + 15 client journals – Publish content in PDF format on the Web for its subscribers – Create SGML metadata – OCLC DTD – XML publishing system - custom DTD
Background - Transition to Electronic Peer Review Traditionally submission of manuscripts, peer review process and manuscript management - manual and paper-based was introduced for transmission of manuscripts and reviews Purchased commercial software - PaperPath 2000 –helped bridge the gap in the digital world between the peer review process and publication –client software installed on desktop for editorial office staff –web-based access for authors and reviewers – submission of manuscripts and reviews –supported 15 journals –vendor closed late developed Online Submission and Peer Review System (OSPREY)
What is OSPREY? Supports web-based submission of manuscripts, reviews and editorial decisions Automates and streamlines the peer review process within a configurable automated electronic environment Supports 36 STM journals
OSPREY features… English and French interface Single sign-on Automatic editorial workflows for peer review and manuscript management Creation of PDF file in real-time for reviewing purposes –accepts up to 300 different file types –accepts multiple files (manuscript, figures, tables) Captures Meta Data in XML format
OSPREY features Customizable –journal branding –correspondence templates –copyright forms –reviewer forms –roles, tasks, workflow –keywords –role privileges
Build or Buy… again Considerations –possibility of collaboration with another publisher –available features in COTS or licensed product –associated costs –our diverse editorial workflows –requirement for an English and French interface –CISTI’s technical skills and infrastructure –storage of confidential data off site –accessibility to data for customer relationship management –integration to publishing and subscription management systems –past experience in purchasing software –ensure our continued access to the source code and systems
Decision.... Build Develop a system in-house that would: –ensure ease of use –minimal overhead and support costs –flexibility and scalability –future growth of features. Develop to current standards –Java and XML for the application –oracle as its database engine –component-based architecture
Methodology Collaboration –partnered with Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Publishing, Australia –shared a common vision, priorities and goals –ability to share resources (people and money) –gather broader set of requirements –draw on skills and experiences of two scientific publishers Development Approach –iterative –frequent releases –development completed at CISTI
Team 2 developers System administrator Database administrator Application architect Stakeholders Users Business analyst Project manager
Open Source Technologies Java Java servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP) Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Tomcat Apache XML MikTex
Other Technologies Adlib Express Server Oracle 9i database Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Implementation Production Environment –web/application server + failover –database server + failover –two conversion servers + failover –network attached storage + failover Training and Support –editorial assistants – onsite 4 day training –editors and associate editors – onsite 2-3 hrs. –helpdesk Data Conversion –on average converted 5 yrs data per journal –data analyzed, mapped and validated
Integration to Publishing System XML file created and exported to Publishing System XML file is created and sent to the publishing system 13/09/2005 Life history variation among populations of Canadian Toads in Alberta, Canada 4727 Article 31/08/ /09/2005 Accepted Development of appropriate conservation plans relies on life history information and how life history traits vary across populations of a species. Such data are lacking for
Impact Authors receive an automatic acknowledgement of receipt of their submission immediately upon completion Paper is in the hands of the Editor faster Editors search for reviewers by expertise taxonomy keyword Reviewers access manuscripts immediately and submit reviews online enabling Editors to have access to reviews immediately Automatic reminders sent out to Reviewers and Editors Editors now have access to all data from their desktop regardless of their geographic location
Impact Editorial staff had to learn how to work differently Check PDF files for completeness and provide support to authors and reviewers using the system No longer piles of mail on their desks Many s Increase in submissions
Current Events Usability Study –more clearly understand the users’ expectations of the system –verify the types of tasks that users’ complete, and identify how well OSPREY supports those tasks –identify patterns to the types of usability issues that maybe occurring among users Methodology –hired usability expert –analysis to be completed July 2007 –heuristic evaluation of interface –surveys, interviews, online interactive exercises
Future Work Automatic workflow from OSPREY to Workflow Management System Parsing and tagging references to provide a link to abstract databases or full text (e.g. PubMed, CrossRef, and user organization link resolver) Option for authors to identify papers for open access and supply payment or funding Ability to access tasks directly from Integration with external databases Troubleshooting of common graphic file problems
Future Work OSPREY Publishing System Manuscript Submission Publishing Workflow XML publishing process Approve Proofs Order Reprints Printer
Thank You Judy Best