Vincent Massey Public School Stock Market Simulation Workshop 3 Are you ready to rumble…and make some cash!???
What happens in Round 0? 4 Brokers enter 4 Prepare your shopping list (decide on Round 0 buys ahead of time) 4 Set up shop 4 Buy 3 shares
What happens in Round 1 ? 4 New market information is presented 4 New prices of stocks are posted 4 Dividend stock declared 4 Dividend paid to brokerage firms who own dividend stock 4 News headlines for round are presented 4 Broker discussion on impact of headline
4 Brokers discuss next move for firm 4 Shopping list written (buy/sell instructions) 4 One broker prepares to trade 4 Music starts to open round 4 Travelling broker goes to Buy/Sell desk 4 Other brokers do office tasks (records, etc) 4 Travelling broker returns
4 Music finishes to end round 4 All brokers at desks keeping up records and charts 4 Dow Jones Average is calculated. Prices are set and posted for next round. 4 Repeat trading process!
LAST MINUTE INFORMATION 4 Before you leave your home : don’t forget to bring your manners! 4 When you arrive at school : go to homeroom, after attendance/announcements, you will be called to gym 4 Upon arrival at gym, each brokerage will receive an envelope for the day’s trading
4 At office desk : set up office patiently. Look around market area to see where everything is located. 4 Decide which stocks you wish to purchase 4 During Opening Round : only one share per company, trading cap of 3. All other rounds, you may buy or sell up to three shares. Travelling broker changes each round
4 THE GROUP DISCUSSION OF NEWS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF EACH ROUND !! 4 Discuss every headline carefully. 4 Choose your stocks intelligently. 4 One away rule : only one person can leave the desk at a time!!
4 You may only walk on trading floor for safety reasons. You will be fined for running. 4 Fines will be applied for littering. 4 Please be attentive to announcements. You may miss something important. 4 When Mr. McKean’s arm goes up, all mouths close.
4 While you wait : all records must be completed while travelling broker is trading.
STOCK MARKET DAY ROUTINES 4 Costumes & office equipment : please get organized in home room before leaving!!! 4 Lunch time will be at regular time. Everything will be left in the gym and locked
ARE YOU READY ?!?!?!??! 4 Have you and your partners… 4 …decided on costumes/detail ? 4 …created a desk sign ? 4 …made a list of what each broker does ? 4 …finished your business cards ? 4 … made name tags ? 4 … selected unique desk items for your office ?
Have you ….? 4 …discussed a strategy of limited or mixed portfolio ? 4 … planned how to keep track of news headlines ?
ABC..s 4 Awareness & attentiveness 4 Being prepared & best manners 4 Courtesy & co-operation TIME IS MONEY!!!!!!