1 Job Evaluation Process Position Description Statement Job Responsibilities, KSA's and Qualifications Position Evaluation Job content and/or Market pay rate analysis Job Value $ Pay rate & grade assignment
2 l To establish an objective and sequential pay grade structure based on job market value. l To determine competitive pay rates by position. l To ensure development of a pay structure that provides for internal equity. l To comply with Equal Pay Act and FLSA rules. Position Evaluation Goals
3 l Job Evaluation is the process for assessing the market value of positions. l Job Evaluation is a method (market evaluation) to determine the relative pay level of different jobs. l Job Evaluation is a formal methodology for assigning wage rates and pay grades by position. What is Job Evaluation ?
4 Job Evaluation Benefits l Systematic measure of job worth l Determines position pay level l Defines organization pay equity l Translates job worth into pay rate
5 Determinants of Pay Structures and Rates Determinants of Pay Structures and Rates l Job Evaluation Scope and Level of Job Responsibility Skill and Ability Supervision Qualifications l Determines Pay Rate/Range for Position Market Pay Rate and Range l Specific Occupation by Geographic Area Market Pay Rate and Range Specific Occupation by Industry Higher Education Institutions
6 Evergreen Compensation Factors Major Compensation Factors Include: Scope of Responsibility- appraises the position’s breath and depth of either administrative or managerial influence Supervision - appraises the number (head count & FTE) and responsibility level of the employees Accountability - appraises the position's accountability for the allocations of resources and program results Communication skills – is the appraisal of the position’s requirement for proficiency in interpersonal, oral and written skills Professional Capability Requirements - appraises minimum Knowledge, Skill & Ability (KSA’s); education; experience and training necessary to perform the job. Creative Professional Performance- Appraises the position’s primary duties involvement with work activities requiring problem solving, invention, imagination, originality or talent in a recognized professional field.
7 Draft Exempt Salary Structure Model 10% between salary level Midpoints w 30% salary range at each level Salary LevelMinMidpointMax SL 1$23,490$27,000$30,510 SL 2$25,839$29,700$33,561 SL 3$28,423$32,670$36,917 SL 4$31,265$35,937$40,609 SL 5$34,392$39,531$44,670 SL 6$37,831$43,484$49,137 SL 7$41,615$47,833$54,051 SL 8$45,775$52,616$59,456 SL 9$50,354$57,878$65,402 SL 10$55,389$63,666$71,943 SL 11$60,928$70,032$79,136 SL 12$67,021$77,036$87,051 SL 13$73,723$84,739$95,755 SL 14$81,095$93,214$105,424 SL 15$89,205$102,535$115,967
8 Market Pricing Benchmarks-1 Salary Structure derived from benchmarks SL MIDAcademicStudentFADPresidentAdvancement SL 1 $27,000 Resident Dir Cupa 3Q E $27,096 SL 2 $29,700 SL3 $32,670 Admission Counselor Cupa NW $31,327 Cupa 3QE $33,695 SL4 $35,937 Counselor Fin Aid Cupa 3QE $35,229 Cupa NW $33,889
9 Market Pricing Benchmarks-2 Salary Structure derived from benchmarks SL MIDAcademicStudentFADPresidentAdvancement SL 5 $39,531 Career Counselor Cupa 3QE $39,607 Coord Spec Events Cupa 3Q E $ 39,648 Asst Dir Stu Act Cupa Coplac $39,552 SL 6 $43,484 Adm Secretary to VP WAES $43,764 Adm Secretary to VP WAES $43,764 Cert Athletic Trainer ERI $ 43,445 Coord Res Life Cupa A Coplac $43,755 Adm Secretary to VP WAES $43,764 Adm Secretary to President WAES $43,764 Adm Secretary to VP WAES $43,764 SL7 $47,833 Asst to Dean Extend Ed Cupa M Coplac $ 47,509 Dir Childcare Cupa Mid 3QE $47,700 Asst Registrar Cupa A Coplac $47,437
10 Market Pricing Benchmarks-3 Salary Structure derived from benchmarks SL MIDAcademicStudentFADPresidentAdvancement SL 8 $52,616 Dir Student Act Cupa A NW $52,968 Mgr Fin Systms Milliman $52,248 Mgr Conf Serv Cupa A NW $51,352 Mgr Community Rel $52,178 SL9 $57,878 Asst Dir FAC Cupa A 3QE $56,857 Dir AC Support Cupa A NW $54,862 Cupa A 3QE $58,995 Sr HR Rep ERI $54,001 Civil Rights Officer Cupa mid 3Q $56,295 ERI $59,708 EEO/Diversity Specialist Cupa mid 3QE $56,295 ERI $59,708 Mgr Pubs Cupa A NW $54,364 Cupa A 3QE $59,770 SL10 $63,666 Mgr Acad Grts Cupa Adm NW $63,683 OpMgr Sci/Art Cupa M 3QE $62,080 ERI $64,127 Mgr Purchasing Cupa A 3QE $63,155 Coord Hlth Sfety Cupa M Coplac $63,086 Dir Alumni Cupa A 3QE $62,764
11 Market Pricing Benchmarks-4 Salary Structure derived from benchmarks SL MIDAcademicStudentFADPresidentAdvancement SL 11 $70,032 Dir WA Center Cupa A 3QE $71,041 Dir Longhouse ERI $71,613 Registrar Cupa A 3QE $70,177 Dir Fin Aid Cupa A 3QE $70,673 Asst Dir HR ERI $71,032 SL 12 $77,036 Dir Inst Research Cupa A NW $75,108 Exec Asc VPSA ERI $78,250 Dir Police Serv WAES?BLS $78,478 Internal Auditor Cupa A Coplac $77,894 Campus Web Mgr ERI $77,379 Operns of CRCA ERI $78,250 SL 13 $84,739 Dir MIT Cupa A 3QE $84,845 Mgr Adm Comp CUPA 3Q E $83,465 Exec Assoc Pres Cupa A Coplac $84,154 Dir of College Rel Cupa A Coplac $85, 534 SL 14 $93,214 Dir Bus Serv Milliman $95,868 SL 15 $102,535 ERI $101,493