Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Controls Ground Rules Brian Martlew.


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Presentation transcript:

Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Controls Ground Rules Brian Martlew

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Monitoring System

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 We need to establish clear ground rules for the MICE control system so that system designers can make decisions affecting how their equipment interfaces to the control system. The most important areas are: * Naming convention * Standard software toolkit * Standard hardware interfaces * Application software

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Naming Convention It is important to agree a naming convention for all devices connected to the control system as quickly as possible. This will help to provide a systematic, heirarchical view of the equipment from the control system. We should a adopt a convention similar to those used in other recent accelerator projects both for consistency and to allow maximum re-use of software.

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Naming Convention The most comprehensive naming convention presently available is that developed for the Diamond Light Source. A modified version will shortly be written specifically for MICE and will be circulated for comments. Typical names might be: TGT-PSU-DRIVE-01Target drive power supply BLN-VAC-PUMP-04Beamline vacuum pump ABS-HYD-VALV-02 Absorber hydrogen system gate valve

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Software Toolkit * The decision has already been taken to standardise on the EPICS toolkit. * LOTS of information available from: * When specifiying new equipment check the website to see if it is already supported by EPICS. Hundreds of commonly used devices already are. * If your device is not already supported ask for advice from either: * Pete * Epics mailing list ‘tech-talk’ (subscribe from the EPICS website)

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Standard Hardware Interfaces * EPICS supports many different hardware interfaces. To keep systems as compatible as possible the use of Hytec 9010 IOC and IP modules is recommended for most applications. * For more complex situations specialised systems such as VME crates may be necessary. This approach will require considerably more software expertise to develop and integrate.

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Standard Hardware Interfaces * The Hytec 9010 IOC supports upto 6 Industry pack (IP) interface modules. * Suggested IP modules are: * IP-ADC channel 16-bit ADC (+/- 10V) * IP-DAC channel 16-bit DAC (+/- 10V) * IP-SI channel RS232 * IP-SIO channel buffered digital I/O

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Standard Hardware Interfaces * Daresbury Laboratory are developing support for relay control and opto-isolated monitoring of device interlocks via CANbus. * Many other IP modules are available including: * GPIB interface * Stepper motor control * Scalars * Counter / Timers * BUT – check for EPICS support first and get ADVICE!

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Application Software * Most generic control software is already available for EPICS, including: * Display managers – tools to design and display interactive synoptic control diagrams * Archiver – automatically record and archive control requests and significant changes to monitored values * Alarm Handler – Produce an audible and visual indication of any values exceeding pre-defined alarm limits. * These tools will be available to the MICE control system so DON’T RE-INVENT THE WHEEL!

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Hands on Tutorial MC Joined in a EPICS training session with Diamond We now have two IOC boxes: Sheffield – target RAL – hydrogen system

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 Further equipment needs –Beam line power supplies –Interfaces to decay solenoid… –Synopsis controls interfaces… –Monitoring system… –Hardware plus “kit of parts”

Presenter Name Facility Name Brian Martlew 6 th June 2006 For more information or help Contact either: Pete Brian Martlew