Hashing (Ch. 14) Goal: to implement a symbol table or dictionary (insert, delete, search) What if you don’t need ordered keys--pred, succ, sort, select? Are O(log n) comparisons necessary? (no) Hashing basic plan: create a big array for the items to be stored use a function to figure out storage location from key (hash function) a collision resolution scheme is necessary
Hashing Example Simple Hash function: Treat the key as a large integer K h(K) = K mod M, where M is the table size let M be a prime number. Example: Suppose we have 101 buckets in the hash table. ‘abcd’ in hex is 0x Converted to decimal it’s % 101 = 11 Thus h(‘abcd’) = 11. Store the key at location 11. “dcba” hashes to 57. “abbc” also hashes to 57 – collision. What to do? If you have billions of possible keys and hundreds of buckets, lots of collisions are possible!
Hashing Strings h(‘aVeryLongVariableName’)? Instead of dealing with very large numbers, you can use Horner’s method: 256 * = % 101 = * = % 101 = * = % 101 = 87 Scramble by replacing 256 with 117 int hash(char *v, int M) { int h, a=117; for (h=0; *v; v++) h = (a*h + *v) % M; return h; }
Collisions How likely are collisions? Birthday paradox M sqrt( M/2) (about 1.25 sqrt(M)) [1.25 sqrt(365) is about 24] Experiment: generate random numbers … Collision at 13 th number, as predicted What to do about collisions?
Separate Chaining Build a linked list for each bucket Linear search within list 0: 1: L A A A 2: M X 3: N C 4: 5: E P E E 6: 7: G R 8: H S 9: I 10: Simple, practical, widely used Cuts search time by a factor of M over sequential search
Separate Chaining 2 Insertion time? O(1) Average search cost, successful search? O(N/2M) Average search cost, unsuccessful? O(N/M) M large: CONSTANT average search time Worst case: N (“probabilistically unlikely”) Keep lists sorted? insert time O(N/2M) unsuccessful search time O(N/2M)
Linear Probing Or, we could keep everything in the same table Insert: upon collision, search for a free spot Search: same (if you find one, fail) Runtime? Still O(1) if table is sparse But: as table fills, clustering occurs Skipping c spots doesn’t help…
Clustering Long clusters tend to get longer Precise analysis difficult Theorem (Knuth): Insert cost: approx. (1 + 1/(1-N/M) 2 )/2 (50% full 2.5 probes; 80% full 13 probes) Search (hit) cost: approx. (1 + 1/(1-N/M))/2 (50% full 1.5 probes; 80% full 3 probes) Search (miss): same as insert Too slow when table gets 70-80% full How to reduce/avoid clustering?
Double Hashing Use a second hash function to compute increment seq. Analysis extremely difficult About like ideal (random probe) Thm (Guibas-Szemeredi): Insert: approx 1+1/(1-N/M) Search hit: ln(1+N/M)/(N/M) Search miss: same as insert Not too slow until the table is about 90% full
Dynamic Hash Tables Suppose you are making a symbol table for a compiler. How big should you make the hash table? If you don’t know in advance how big a table to make, what to do? Could grow the table when it “fills” (e.g. 50% full) Make a new table of twice the size. Make a new hash function Re-hash all of the items in the new table Dispose of the old table
Table Growing Analysis Worst case insertion: (n), to re-hash all items Can we make any better statements? Average case? O(1), since insertions n through 2n cost O(n) (on average) for insertions and O(2n) (on average) for rehashing O(n) total (with 3x the constant) Amortized analysis? The result above is actually an amortized result for the rehashing. Any sequence of j insertions into an empty table has O(j) average cost for insertions and O(2j) for rehashing. Or, think of it as billing 3 time units for each insertion, storing 2 in the bank. Withdraw them later for rehashing.
Separate Chaining vs. Double Hashing Assume the same amount of space for keys, links (use pointers for long or variable-length keys) Separate chaining: 1M buckets, 4M keys 4M links in nodes 9M words total; avg search time 2 Double hashing in same space: 4M items, 9M buckets in table average search time: 1/(1-4/9) = 1.8: 10% faster Double hashing in same time 4M items, average search time 2 space needed: 8M words (1/(1-4/8) = 2) (11% less space)
Deletion How to implement delete() with linear chaining? Simply unlink unwanted item Runtime? Same as search() How to implement delete() with linear probing? Can’t just erase it. (Why not?) Re-hash entire cluster Or mark as deleted? How to delete() with double hashing? Re-hashing cluster doesn’t work – which “cluster”? Mark as deleted Every so often re-hash entire table to prune “dead-wood”
Comparisons and summary Separate chaining advantages: idiot-proof (degrades gracefully) no large chunks of memory needed (but is this better?) Why use hashing? constant time search and insert, on average easy to implement Why not use hashing? No performance guarantees Too much arithmetic on long keys – high constant Uses extra space Doesn’t support pred, succ, sort, etc. – no notion of order Where did perl “hashes” get their name?
Hashing Summary Separate chaining: easiest to deploy Linear probing: fastest (but takes more memory) Double hashing: least memory (but takes more time to compute the second hash function) Dynamic (grow): handles any number of inserts Curious use of hashing: early unix spell checker (back in the days of the 3M machines…) Construction Search Miss RB Chain Probe Dbl Grow RB Chain Probe Dbl Grow 5k k k k k