Clusters Massive Cluster Gigabit Ethernet CITRIS Network S. J. Ben Yoo (530) ECE Dept, UCDavis
2 CITRIS Network is a Research Network Societal-Scale Applications Technological Breakthroughs Applications Pull Technology Push RESEARCH in the Interest of Society Information Technology RESEARCH CITRIS-Net
3 Optical Internetworking & CITRIS-net Data networking view Optical networking view Router SONET NE SONET NE SONET NE SONET NE Optical Network Switch Router Switch Optical Network Switch Router WDM 1 st Gen 2 st Gen OXC 3 rd Gen
4 Diverse Needs of CITRIS-net Diverse Needs of CITRIS-net PRODUCTION- Like Networking Needs RESEARCH Networking Needs SOME Needs BOTH Type-A Type-B Type-C
5 CITRIS Network is a Testbed of Testbeds CITRIS-Network Millennium Cluster WLAN / Bluetooth Pager Motorola Pagewriter 2000 Visualization Human Centered Computing H.323 GW Environmental Monitoring Smart Dust Wearable Displays Smart Building Smart Classroom Earthquake Engineering Sensor Network Tiny OS
6 CITRIS-net is Intercampus Infrastructre PoP node Sacramento CITRIS net Nodes DARK Fiber Circuit Connection OC-48 or lower UCDavis UCB UCSC UCMerced Oakland San Francisco Silicon Valley Modesto
7 CITRIS Network -- Internetworking CENIC ONI NRENESNetAbilene DARPA NGI Supernet CITRIS-Net
8 “Client” “Server” Collaborative Applications on CITRIS-net CITRIS net Nodes PoP node DARK Fiber Circuit Connection OC-48 or lower
9 CITRIS Network in Smart Classroom
10 Sensor Networks in Earthquake Engineering Courtesy of Prof. Bruce Kutter NEES UCDavis Courtesy of Prof. Bruce Kutter NEES UCDavis Potentially~MillionsofMEMSsensors in 1 m 3 Potentially~MillionsofMEMSsensors
Courtesy of Prof. Bernd Hamann CIPIC UCDavis Real-time 3-D Visualization will require ~1 Tb/sec bandwidth in the future 1000 x 1000 x 1000 pixels/frame x 28 bit/pixel x 30 frames/sec ~ 1 Tb/sec
12 OXC OLS router To Berkeley, SantaCruz To Sacramento, Merced 80 PC cluster SGI 16 processor Parallel computer 3 D visualization machine_1 3 D visualization machine_2 Router NEES Imaging HDTV Camera Environmental Monitoring SGI image processor Router CITRIS-net Campus Network (UCD example)
13 CITRIS-net Capabilities-A Type-A Service: Optical Reconfiguration Networking Optical Switching (e.g. Opitcal MEMS) Optical Multicast IP/WDM, MPLS, MPLambdaS Networking Network Control and Management Research Electronic Switching and Routing Protocol New Security Research Anything else you can think of
14 CITRIS-net Capabilities-B Type-B Service: Scalable and High-Bandwidth Low-Latency Low-Jitter High QoS End-to-End Multicast capable Commercially available state-of-the-art networking technology (MPLS, MPLambdaS with GMPLS, etc.)
15 CITRIS-net Capabilities-C Type-C Service: Enabled by Application Pull & Technology Push New Application enabled by non-commercial research grade networking technology Additional CITRIS needs such as traffic measurements are being discussed with CENIC.
16 CITRIS-net Networking Researchers (anticipated) ICSI members: Sally Floyd, Ramesh Govindan, Mark Handley, Dick Karp, Vern Paxson, Scott Shenker, J. Feldman Berkeley members: Constance Chang-Hasnain, Joseph M. Kahn, Randy H. Katz Kam Y. Lau, Pravin P. Varaiya, Jean Walrand, Goldberg, Tygar, John Strand, Davis members: S. J. Ben Yoo, Jonathan Heritage, Chen-Nee Chuah, Norman Tien, Bernd Hamann (multicast visualization), Kwan Liu Ma (Remote Visualization), Oliver Staadt (Virtual Reality), Bruce Kutter (earthquake engineering network), Biswanath Mukherjee, Dipak Ghosal, Demet Aksoy, Felix Wu Santa Cruz members: Ali SHAKOURI, Tara MADHYASTHA, Ken PEDROTTI, Anujan VARMA, JJ GARCIA-LUNA-ACEVES, Claire GU, Pat MANTEY LBL: D. Agarwal, Horst Simon, Jim Leighton, Bill McCurdy LLNL: William Lennon, Steven Bond, Steve Ashby DARPA/ISI/USC: Tom Lehman NASA: Pat Carey NRL: Hank Dardy