What Mr. Olson has to teach you What you learn on your own. What you teach others.
All three of those things together become the sum of what you learn this year!
Voyager Team Expectations Be respectful of the teacher and other students. Be on time, in your seat and silent when the bell rings. Have all of your materials and your binder reminder in class. Remain seated unless given permission to leave your seat. Raise your hand for permission before you speak. Leave all food, drink and gum at home.
*When Mr. Olson is talking, you are listening. *You are responsible for your own behavior and success. *You are expected to participate. *We all have a right to a functional learning environment. You are to contribute to that environment. *You will be held accountable for any damage to, or misuse of, any school equipment or property. *Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by science. *When Mr. Olson is talking, you are listening. *You are responsible for your own behavior and success. *You are expected to participate. *We all have a right to a quiet and orderly classroom environment. You are to contribute to that environment, not detract from it. *You will be held accountable for any damage to, or misuse of, any school equipment or property, including desktops, books, and science equipment.
Weekly Homework assignments: Where to find them: When they are do: What they are worth.
HOMEWORK TONIGHT WE HAVE RECEIVED AND READ MR. OLSON'S CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS FOR 2004/05. Print student's name ______________________ Parent Signature._________________________ Please return only this signed box section. Keep the top for your reference.
Have a parent sign the little coupon in your syllabus.
Bring in a list of 10 items that you measured with your string that are approximately 1 meter long.