G OOGLE, A F ORTUNE 500 C OMPANY Speaker is Melissa C. Wells
Google was found by Larry Page and Serge Brin on September 4 th, Larry Page is the Co-Founder & President of Products Sergery Brin is the Co-Founder & President of Technology
E MPLOYEE B ENEFITS Google offers its employees: A choice of its medical programs Company Matched 401k Stock Options Free lunches daily
G OOGLE HAS CREATED A FUN AND INSPIRING WORKSPACE Things that help make Google a Fun and Inspiring workspace are: Massage and Yoga Professional Development opportunities Shoreline running trails Free Snacks
E MPLOYEE TESTIMONIALS Craig, Sales Engineer, I feel like the Google environment and culture is unlike any other. David, East Coast Manager, the on-site chef makes lunch a memorial moment every day. Archana, Software Engineer, I just love the work environment at Google.
G OOGLE ’ S PHILOSOPHY ABOUT HOW IT DOES BUSINESS. Google believes that if you focus on the user all else will follow. Google believes money can be made without doing evil. Google believes that you can be serious without a suit.
C ONCLUSION We have discussed the following about Google: Employee Benefits Fun and inspiring workspace Philosophy about how it does business.
REFERENCES Corporate Information - Company Overview. (2010). Retrieved 5/18/2010, from, Corporate Information - Google Management. (2010). Retrieved 5/19/10, from, Corporate Information - Quick Profile. (2010). Retrieved 5/23/10 from, Top ten reasons to work at Google - US jobs – Google. (2010). Retrieved 5/23/10 from, toptenreasons/
Life at Google - US jobs – Google. (2010). Retrieved 5/23/10 from, Picture references Google employee picture (main-google-sydney.jpg) [picture] (2010) Retrieved 5/25/10 from, Foosball picture (accent_foosball.jpg) [picture] (2010). Retrieved 5/26/10 from, foosball.jpg
Google dog picture (accent_googlerdog_bg.jpg) [picture] (2010). Retrieved 5/23/10 from, googlerdog_bg.jpg Employee at work picture (accent_engatwork-o.jpg) [picture] (2010). Retrieved 5/23/10 from, engatwork-o.jpg