1 A Delay-Aware Reliable Event Reporting Framework for Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks Presented by Edith Ngai Supervised by Prof. Michael R. Lyu Term Presentation Spring 2006
2 Outline Introduction Related Work Network Model and Objective Delay-Aware Reliable Event Reporting Framework Grid-Based Data Aggregation Priority-Based Event Reporting Actuator Allocation Simulation Results Conclusion
3 WSAN Collection of sensors and actuators Sensors small and low-cost devices with limited energy, sensing, computation, and transmission capability passive devices for collecting data only and not interactive to the environments Actuators resource-rich devices equipped with more energy, stronger computation power, longer transmission range, and usually mobile make decisions and perform appropriate actions in response to the sensor measurements
4 WSAN Sensors and actuators collaborate sensors perform sensing and report the sensed data to the actuators actuators then carry out appropriate actions in response Applications environmental monitoring sensing and maintenance in large industrial plants military surveillance, medical sensing, attack detection, and target tracking, etc.
5 Our Focus Design of a generic framework for reliable event reporting in WSANs Reliability in this context is closely related to the delay, or the freshness of the events, and they should be jointly optimized Non-uniform importance of the events can be explored in the optimization A delay- and importance-aware reliability index for the WSANs
6 Our Framework Seamlessly integrates three key modules to maximize the reliability index: A multi-level data aggregation scheme, which is fault-tolerant with errorprone sensors A priority-based transmission protocol, which accounts for both the importance and delay requirements of the events An actuator allocation algorithm, which smartly distributes the actuators to match the demands from the sensors.
7 Related Work Real-time communication protocol in WSN SPEED [Hu et. al. 2003] real-time unicast, real-time area-multicast and real-time area-anycast for WSN achieved by using a combination of feedback control and non-deterministic QoS-aware geographic forwarding with a bounded hop count
8 Related Work Real-time communications in WSN MMSPEED [Felemban et al. 2005] Multi-Path and Multi-Speed Routing Protocol for probabilistic QoS guarantee in WSN multiple QoS levels are provided in the timeliness domain by guaranteeing multiple packet delivery speed options supported by probabilistic multipath forwarding in the reliability domain
9 Related Work Distributed coordination framework for WSAN [Melodia et al. 2005] based on an event-driven clustering paradigm all sensors in the event area forward their readings to the appropriate actuators by the data aggregation trees provides actuator-actuator coordination to split the event area among different actuators assumes immobile actuators that can act on a limited area defined by their action range
10 Network Model Compose of sensors and actuators Nodes aware of their locations Divide the network into a number of grids cell for data aggregation A subset of nodes, referred as reporting nodes, v, send data to the actuators Anycast routing
11 Objective Reliability index Measures the probability that that event data are aggregated and received accurately within pre-defined latency bounds
12 Grid-Based Data Aggregation
13 Priority-Based Event Reporting We adopt a priority queue in each sensor, which plays two important roles: 1. prioritized scheduling to speed up important event data transmission 2. queue utilization as an index for route selection to meet the latency bounds In our preemptive priority queue, the packets for the event data are placed according to its data importance and served in a first-in- first-out (FIFO) discipline
14 Delay The delay of sensor node is composed of the processing delay, the queueing delay, the transmission delay, and the propagation delay d total = d proc + d q + d tran + d prop The processing delay and the propagation delay are typically only a few microseconds Our routing protocol allocates routes according to the data importance Transmission delay d tran We borrowed the idea from the SPEED protocol to estimate d tran by acknowledgement Queueing delay d q
15 Queueing Delay The queueing delay of the highest priority queue
16 Queueing Delay
17 Next Hop Selection Consider node i receives new type of event data data e with data rate It broadcasts a control message to its immediate neighbors Every neighbors j replies with the message:
18 Next Hop Selection Node i requires that the end-to-end delay to actuator is less than the latency bound B e It first estimates the number of hops h from i to the closest actuator a and the maximum delay from i to j, delay i,j. d q_max is the maximum queueing delay allowed, such that the latency bound B e can be met
19 Next Hop Selection Among the neighbors with d q_max >0, node i starts inspecting the neighbors with λ high =0 and λ low =0 means it is not forwarding any event data as all next hop with λ high >0 means it is transmitting some data with higher importance If node i selects the next hop j with λ low >0, then it may need to preempt some less important data
20 Next Hop Selection For each neighbor above, i calculates the maximum data rate λ i that it can forward the data to while satisfying the latency bound The inspecting process stops when i finds enough neighbors j to forward the data, such that
21 Data transmission with Latency Constraint The latency bound B e will be updated before forwarding to next hop B e ’ = B e – ( t depart – t arrive ) – d tran – d prop A sensor always select a next hop that can satisfy the latency bound If no route can meet the bound, it informs the previous hop forward the packets via another node. In case of congestion (e.g. high priority packets flows in and preempts low priority packets), previous hop should also be informed
22 Actuator Allocation The actuators may record the event frequency and re-arrange their standby positions periodically Let freq g be the event frequency of the grid cell g Estimate freq g periodically as follow:, where freq g -1 is previous record of the event frequency in grid g
23 Actuator Allocation
24 Simulations Simulator: NS-2 Metrics On-time Reachability Average Delay Overall Reliability 4 events 2 with high importance 2 with low importance Located in left bottom corner
25 On-Time Reachability
26 Average Delay
27 Overall Reliability
28 With Actuator Allocation
29 With Actuator Allocation
30 Conclusion We provide a distributed, self-organized, and comprehensive solution for reliable event reporting and actuator coordination in WSAN We formulate the event reporting problem and define reliability as the percentage of event data that can reach the destination and satisfy certain accuracy and latency constraints We provide a distributed data aggregation mechanism, which can tolerate sensing failures and reduce network traffic We propose a reliable priority-based event reporting algorithm with event importance. Sensors can route their data based on the affordable service rate provided by its neighbors We further improve the efficiency of event reporting and reaction by proposing an actuator allocation algorithm. It estimates the event happening frequency in the network and balances the workload among the actuators by allocating them proper locations Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our solutions.
31 Q & A