Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on Open Heavy Flavor at RHIC J. Matthew Durham for the PHENIX Collaboration Stony Brook University
Matt Durham - WWND Open Heavy Flavor at RHIC Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) One of the most striking results from RHIC is the strong suppression and flow of heavy quarks in Au+Au collisions d+Au Au+Au d+Au allows quantification of nuclear effects without complications of hot medium
Matt Durham - WWND Cold Nuclear Matter Effects Phys. Rev. C 74, (2006) Mass ordering of Cronin enhancement observed for π,K,p Does this continue with D meson? B? M D ~1.8 GeV Closed heavy flavor is suppressed at mid-rapidity (details in Alex’s talk next) Open heavy flavor in d+Au can shed light on these interesting phenomena arXiv:
Matt Durham - WWND Measurement Methodology Direct Reconstruction: Identify parent meson via daughter products Indirect Method: Measure leptons from D/B decays Straightforward triggering scheme PHENIX is especially well suited for lepton measurements
Matt Durham - WWND The PHENIX Experiment Electrons are tracked by drift chamber and pad chamber The Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counter is primary electron ID device Electromagnetic calorimeters measure electron energy – allow E/p comparisons BBC/ZDC provide MinBias trigger and centrality determination in HI collisions e+e+ ee Run-8 Configuration
Matt Durham - WWND Electron Sources Dalitz decays Mostly Also from Conversions in material Photons predominantly from Kaon decays Dielectron decays of vector mesons Thermal/direct radiation Small but significant at high pt Heavy Flavor Decays SIGNAL BACKGROUND
Matt Durham - WWND Background Subtraction Methods Cocktail Method PHENIX has measurements of most of the background electron sources. A cocktail of these sources are subtracted from the inclusive electron sample to isolate the HF contribution. Converter Method Extra material in the PHENIX aperture intentionally increases background by a well defined amount. Allows precise quantification of photonic background. arXiv:
Matt Durham - WWND Conversions Vast majority of conversion electrons come from photons from, with kinematics very similar to Scale up Dalitz decay electrons by appropriate factor to account for conversions (determined through simulation) Cocktail Ingredients I Light mesons Fit d+Au pion data with Hagedorn function Set other meson’s shape with mt-scaling Normalization set by particle ratios at high pt
Matt Durham - WWND Cocktail Ingredients II Direct Photons PHENIX p+p data, scaled up by N coll for each centrality K e3 decays Electrons from kaon decays away from the vertex are mis- reconstructed at high p T. Full simulation of PHENIX detector determines K e3 contribution (only relevant at p T <1GeV/c) A note on the J/ψ: We know J/ ψ is suppressed in d+Au We don’t yet have kinematic dependence of J/ ψ R dA J/ ψ is significant at high p T, so knowledge of the exact behavior at p T >4GeV/c is necessary to correctly account for this contribution As of now, J/ ψ is not subtracted
Matt Durham - WWND Total MB Cocktail
Matt Durham - WWND Converter Method For one day in Run-8, a brass sheet was wrapped around the beam pipe. This increases photonic background by a well defined amount. Precise measurements of converter material allow precise determination of R γ via simulation
Matt Durham - WWND Cocktail and Converter Comparison Cocktail method gives a calculation of photonic background Converter method gives us a measurement of photonic background Difference is ~10% for all centralities. Photonic cocktail components scaled to match converter data.
Matt Durham - WWND Photonic Backgrounds Excellent agreement between the two methods
Matt Durham - WWND Heavy Flavor Electron Spectra Subtract cocktail from the inclusive electron sample to obtain the HF contribution Black line is N coll scaled fit to p+p With d+Au spectra, divide by scaled p+p reference to obtain R dA
Matt Durham - WWND Peripheral R dA
Matt Durham - WWND Semi-Peripheral R dA
Matt Durham - WWND Semi-Central R dA
Matt Durham - WWND Central R dA
Matt Durham - WWND Minimum Bias R dA
Matt Durham - WWND Peripheral R dA consistent with p+p Enhancement in open HF yields at 1<p T <4 GeV/c for more central collisions Suppression at the highest p T R cp allows examination of “turn- on” of these effects within d+Au (with much smaller systematics) A few comments on R dA
Matt Durham - WWND R cp (40-60)/(60-88)
Matt Durham - WWND R cp (20-40)/(60-88)
Matt Durham - WWND R cp (0-20)/(60-88)
Matt Durham - WWND Light QuarksHeavy Quarks Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, (2008) arXiv: Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007)
Matt Durham - WWND At pT> 4 GeV/c: At pT< 4 GeV/c:
Matt Durham - WWND Summary PHENIX now has a full suite of heavy flavor measurements across a wide range of N coll and colliding systems. The Run-8 d+Au data set shows: Enhancement of open HF at moderate pT Suppression at the highest pT This new reference for A+A data suggests heavy quark energy loss in the medium is even greater than previously thought: Is the apparent difference in energy loss for light and heavy quarks really just a CNM effect?
Matt Durham - WWND BACKUPS
Matt Durham - WWND A. Dion, QM09
Matt Durham - WWND Centrality Determination in d+Au
Matt Durham - WWND
Matt Durham - WWND Heavy Flavor Electron Spectra
Matt Durham - WWND Heavy Flavor Electron Spectra
Matt Durham - WWND Heavy Flavor Electron Spectra
Matt Durham - WWND Heavy Flavor Electron Spectra