Page 1 Proposal for 2012 ATLAS Upgrade Week at Stanford / San Francisco Bay Area Page 1 Joint hosting proposal from SLAC & LBNL & UC Santa Cruz for Mar/26-30/2012
Why Stanford/San Francisco Bay Area ? Page 2 *Some key foundation stones of particle physics and accelerators were laid in the Bay Area. *A very rich and diverse cultural backdrop, and distinctive local attractions of the San Francisco Bay Area. *The innovative spirit of Silicon Valley is one of the main engines of our modern civilization, which has a close personal touch on all of us.
UC Berkeley/LBNL Page 3
UC Santa Cruz Page 4
SLAC 2mm 3D Si sensor (Stanford SNF) with active edge at CERN test beam Cosmic Telescope for sensor /module tests RCE/ATCA high bandwidth DAQ with wide range of applicatio ns CO 2 cooling Test system Rad hard custom TwinAx for multi Gb/s electrical data transmission. Page 5
Page 6 Geography Silicon valley LBNL 5 km
Local Geography Hotel Clusters Downtown areas with clusters of restaurants and shops (also along El Camino Real) Cal Train station Page 7
Page 8 Transportation *Direct flights to San Francisco International (SFO) from many international airports. *Public Transportation from Airport to Hotel: Stanford is ~37km from SFO: –Commercial shuttles (~$30) or limousine service, cab (~$80) –Cal train to Palo Alto + cab/walk *Rental car ( shared rental car is an effective means of local daily transportation. SLAC visitors are entitled to special deals at $220/week for a compact car) *Free Marguerite shuttle on Stanford campus and vicinity operates during weekdays + Local transit bus every ~14min.Marguerite shuttle *Exclusive use of large event parking space ~500m from meeting venue for free *More transportation details at:
Stanford Campus New Knight Management Center (meeting Venue) Galvez Field (Conference Parking) Rodin Garden and Cantor museum Page 9 Hoover Tower Main Quad Memorial Court Alumni Center (Dinner)
Page 10 Meeting Venue The new Knight Management Center of the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB): GSB Zambruno Hall and CEMEX auditorium Town square Many modern classrooms of capacity ~70 for pre-meetings and breakout. Arbuckle Dining Pavilion Plenary: CEMEX auditorium Opened in Apr/2011 Lower floor capacity
Meeting Venue Page 11 Block of small conference rooms for impromptu informal meeting and private conversations with 7-10 people will be available to us in addition. Wireless network is available throughout Stanford campus. Breakout rooms with capacity. Reserving 3-4 of these rooms (in addition to CEMEX auditorium) for break out. Many easily accessible power sockets on the tables or under table. All rooms with modern computer project console and capability for A/V setup for remote participation via EVO/Skype. Venue availability is tied to Stanford spring break Mar/26-30/2012
Breaks and Lunches Knight Center Town Square next to the Arbuckle Dining Pavilion Breaks: Lunches: Your own choices of lunch from various nearby options. Arbuckle Pavilion Knight Center Typical entrees $ Arrillaga Family Dining Commons 5min walk $10 buffet Many other campus eateries Many other campus eateries for lunch within 5-15min walk (link to map)link to map Page 12
Page 13 Social Events: Workshop Dinner Workshop Dinner at Stanford Alumni Center Pre-dinner Campus stroll: Rodin Garden Cantor museum (admission is free and opens until 8pm on Thursdays) The Quad and Memorial church
Social Events: Reception / Tours / Informal Dinners SLAC tours and Lab visits SLAC Informal dinner outings at local restaurants with choice of groups led by locals Page 14
Page 15 Cost Summary Participant registration + social fee: Early=$370, Late=$430 –Venue setup/equipment fees and organization –Parking field and event bus transportation –Coffee breaks –Workshop dinner and reception Registration can be reduced or waived in special cases for a small number of participants Many Flight choices to San Francisco at <$1000 from Europe. Many hotels within 5 km. Medium range is $90-130/night while low cost options $65-90/night also exist. SLAC special deal rental car $220/week and free conf parking Low cost CalTrain, SamTrans bus, free Marguerite shuttle around Stanford (1$ = 0.74Euro = 0.90CHF as of Sep/29/2011)
Page 16 Local Organizer & Contacts *Local organizers: Rainer BartoldusMaurice Garcia-Sciveres Richard MountMurdock Gilchriese Dong SuAlex Grillo Charlie Young Abe Seiden *SLAC Event Service: –Thanh Ky Ly *SLAC ATLAS administrative support: –Adrienne Higashi *SLAC International Office for Visa Support
Page 17 Welcome to the San Francisco Bay Area
Additional Information Page 18
Page 19 Travel *There are daily direct flights to San Francisco International (SFO) from many international airports, e.g. Amsterdam, Beijing, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, Zurich,… *San Jose International (SJC) has direct flights from many major US airports.
Visa Page 20 *Citizens of many countries can enter the US via the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), which now needs a simple electronic application via ESTA before travel.VWPESTA *For collaborators from countries not participating in VWP, they need to apply for B1 business visitor visa. Invitation letters will be issued based on requests collected at registration. Normal application processing time ~6 weeks. *The SLAC international office is regularly helping visitors on their visa applications and their help will extend to the ATLAS week attendants. *Based on a few hundred recent SLAC-assisted B1 applications, there is ~1-2% chance for “sensitive country” (e.g. China, India, Russia) applicants to suffer abnormal delays, while applicants from Cuba,Iran,Sudan,Syria are the only cases with high chance of very long delays or denial.
Page 21 Accommodations *Hotels –Many choices within 5 km of Stanford venue –Medium range is $90-129/night –while there are also a fair number of low cost choices at $65-89/night (1$=0.74Euro=0.90CHF as of Sep/29/2011). *Stanford guest house is on SLAC site with 112 rooms at $90/day for single rooms. *More details at:
Informal Social Events Page 22 Host members will establish a few dinner outing options to gather several separate dinner groups. Local restaurants of wide range of flavors (Palo Alto alone has >180 restaurants). Dining options in San Francisco Nearby wineries with Bay/Silicon-valley view Informal organization to establish detailed signup and adjust selection based on demand. Help on transportation for dinner groups. More details on local dining: