Strike slip faults 1. Regional tectonic setting 2. Example: the San Andreas 3. Patterns, complexities 4. Societal importance
Dead Sea Altyn Tag - Asia A few continental examples
Transform boundaries within ocean basins
Strike slip faults- let’s start with the San Andreas
How deep should earthquakes be within an active strike-slip fault?
The North Anatolian fault-rupture near Izmit last September.
Transtension - sag ponds, pull-apart basins
The San Andreas bend near Los Angeles
Major landslides associated to strike slip motions
What is important about strike-slip faults and why do we care? 1.Commonly represent plate boundaries-single faults! 2. Vertical faults; blocks moving horizontally relative to each other. 3. Large earthquakes, no wonder since they take 5-10 cm per year of plate motions! 4. San Andreas, one of the best studied examples.
Strike-slip faults on other planets? Key to plate tectonics