Welcome to the CNES HQ meeting of the SWOT Science Working Group Hosted by: Nelly Mognard, LEGOS-CNES Doug Alsdorf, Ohio State Lee-Lueng Fu, JPL Yves Menard,


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the CNES HQ meeting of the SWOT Science Working Group Hosted by: Nelly Mognard, LEGOS-CNES Doug Alsdorf, Ohio State Lee-Lueng Fu, JPL Yves Menard, LEGOS-CNES SWG Goal To formulate the mission’s science goals and requirements and to conduct a mission definition study leading to an optimal preliminary design of the mission given science requirements and technology and cost constraints. Meeting Goal To make decisions and initiate actions that will eventually complete the overall goal of the SWG. By the end of the meeting, today, decisions will be made on the issues described in the agenda. Funding from CNES, NASA, JPL, and Ohio State University

Welcome to the SWOT meeting Objectives of the meeting:  Define and prioritize the Science Questions.  Examine the Science Drivers to mission design and technology.  Prioritize the Risk Reduction Studies.  Identify Funding Sources for the trade-off studies.  Identify Team Leaders.  Define a Timeline.

Agenda for the SWOT Meeting CNES HQ, Paris, 1 February 2008 –Morning Session- 9:00 - 9:10: Welcome, Meeting Goals Nelly Mognard 9:10 – 10:00: Updates CNES Programmatic Status and updates Pascale Ultré-Guérard NASA/JPL updates Eric Lindstrom, Tony Freeman, Jim Graf IIP WATER HM Proposal Lee Fu [Ernesto Rodriguez] Results of Washington D.C. Meeting October 29th & 30th, 2007 Doug Alsdorf 10: :45: Risk Reduction Studies Discussion led by Ernesto Rodriguez, Bruno Cugny - Discussion of the document describing the risk-reduction studies - Plan to coordinate the NASA funded studies with those of CNES. 11:45 – 12:15: Division of Technology Amongst Partners Discussion led by Ernesto Rodriguez, Bruno Cugny, Tony Freeman - Mission sharing between NASA and CNES - ITAR controls: technology and potential sharing arrangements. - Technology sharing to lower overall mission costs. 12:15 – 13:15: Lunch

Agenda for the SWOT Meeting CNES HQ, Paris, 1 February Afternoon Session- 13:15- 15:15: Science Questions Discussions Hydrology and oceanography science questions Doug Alsdorf, Lee Fu [Ernesto Rodriguez] Coastal zone questions Florent Lyard, Pierre de Mey, Ernesto Rodriguez, Eric Dombrowski, Jacques Verron Hydrology “Virtual Mission” updates Doug Alsdorf, Nelly Mognard, Dennis Lettenmaier, Aaron Boone Wording and Prioritization of the Science Questions: Discussion led by Doug Alsdorf, Ernesto Rodriguez, Nelly Mognard Applications of SWOT to hydrology and oceanography: Dennis Lettenmaier 15:15 – 15:30: Break 15:30 – 16:30: Mission Document Discussion led by Anny Cazenave and Nelly Mognard 16:30 – 17:30: Miscellaneous Doug Alsdorf, Ernesto Rodriguez, Nelly Mognard - Oceanography Workshops, Ocean Sciences ASLO meeting, Future “Town Halls” meetings