The Church “Even at the close of the apostolic period, the organization of the Church remained relatively simple” English church < ME kirke < Gk… belonging to the Lord 1 Co.11:20, Lord’s supper Rv.1:10, Lord’s day In inscriptions since AD 68
I I “Church” In NT 1. Universal * All saints, Mt.16:18 * Composed of saints, not churches Christians are members of the Family, members of the Body, etc.
2. Distributive Churches in geographical areas Ac.9:31, the church in Judea, Galilee, Samaria… (cf. Ga.1:22) Ga.1:2, churches of Galatia 1 Co.16:1
3. Congregational We come as individuals w. both vertical and horizontal fellowship 2 Co.1:1, local (Cor.); area (Achaia) 2 Co.11:7-8, churches Unit = church Ph.1:1, limits: (1) geography; (2) over- sight Ph.4:15, plural pronoun / verb + “church” regards them as one Ph.2:25, 30, their minister / servant
II II Essence Of Local Church 1. Plurality of saints One person is not a church Collective action requires a plurality One-man team? One-cow herd? One-duck flock? One-man congregation?
1. Plurality of saints 2. Acceptance of common oversight; agreement Teamwork requires each to give up a certain amount of independence We need this common mind w. or w/o elders No one can decide what the Lord already determined Sprinkle…Play…
We must decide matters of judgment 1. Who will teach? What? Time? Where? (1 Co.14; Ph.2:1-3, 4) 2. Who will lead singing? Songs? Number? Book? 3. Who will receive support? Amount? Location? Duration? 4. Making these decisions? When? Where? Frequency?
1. Plurality of saints 2. Acceptance of common oversight; agreement 3. Pooling means or abilities T reasury: a pooling of means as one in order to function as a team Money in the pot no longer belongs to each individual (Ac.5:1-4) Collected money belongs to the purpose for which it was given 1 Co.16:1-3, specific purpose: benevolence 2 Co.11:8: specific purpose: evangelism
III III Difference In Individual And Church Authorized agent Cable TV Sign check Paint The work of the individual is not necessarily the work of the church Ja.4:13 Ep.5:25, 28-29
Individual And Church Whatever the church does must first be the function of the saints Mt.18: : individual 2: individuals 3: the church 1: link 2: links 3: chain 1 Co.12:14 1 Tim.5:16 Individual duties vs church’s
IV IV Collective Activities Assemble. Hb.10:24-25; 1 Co.14:23 Lord’s Supper. 1 Co.11:33 Pray. 1 Co.14:14-15 Sing. 1 Co.14:15 Give. 1 Co.16:1-2 Edification (teaching). 1 Co.14:26 Evangelism. 2 Co.11:8 Benevolence (destitute saints). 2 Co.8:4 Discipline. 1 Co.5