The Earth’s Space Environment Session 2 – Progress Report
There is noticeable repetition over a 24hr period. We can ignore this for the purpose of identifying possible solar flares, but it indicates that the system is working. This anomaly looks like it could be a solar flare.
We also looked at the effects of the RC circuit. Three graphs were plotted, with different combinations of RC smoothing and averaging carried out by the data logger. The three graphs were, no smoothing, RC only smoothing and RC smoothing plus data logger averaging. This was so we could compare the effects of the RC circuit on our previous results which had been ‘pure’ and averaged. Due to our chosen time interval of 20 seconds it was found that the capacitances of the RC circuits tested were not high enough to affect the results significantly. We also did not use averaging that produced a noticeable effect. This may have been due to the short time period of the test and that results from the 2 day recording will prove otherwise in regards to the data logging averaging.