Why Revelation 4:1 Is Not The Blessed Hope 1)Rev 4:1, John was moved in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, Just like Ezekiel was moved. *Ez 8:3 & 43:5. This has nothing to do with the blessed hope, it’s just where Jesus reveals to John, prophecy for the tribulation period. 2)The books of Heb-Rev are tribulation instructions for Israel. Prophecy to be fulfilled (It was never a mystery) Jude 1:14 3)Rev 4:1 is the Lord’s Day, it’s where God pours out his wrath on the earth. *Jam 1:12 & Rev 2:10, the wrath is also known as the Lord’s Day, Day of the Lord, *Isaiah 34:8 & Jer 46:10 & 2 Peter 3:10, Baptism of Fire *Mat 3:11, Jacobs Trouble *Jer 30:7 4)In Rev 1:4 we see that this letter is Written to the 7 (Jewish) churches in Asia, also it’s from the 7 Spirits of God. 5)Revelation 1:6, Israel has titles kings and priests *Ex 19:6 & 1Peter 2:9 6)Rev 1:10, this is the Lord’s Day 7)Rev 1:20, these 7 churches have Angels as their pastors 8)Rev 2:20-23, these members can be separated from Christ. 9)Rev 19 is the 2 nd coming, this also is not the Blessed Hope. One difference being in *1 Thes 4, Jesus meets the body of Christ in the air, at the 2 nd coming, Jesus comes back to the earth. He will make his enemies his footstool *Heb 10:13. 10)We see in this comparison between the Day of Christ, and the Day of the Lord, the doctrine is very different, it does not fit, but many will still try to make it fit. 1)Today is the Day of Salvation *2 Cor 6:2 2)The books Rom-Phil, are instructions for the Body of Christ, in this age of grace *Eph 3:2, which also was a mystery *Eph 3:5. Which was only revealed unto Paul. The Blessed Hope is a mystery *1 Cor 15:51 3)The next day, is the Day of Christ *1 Cor 1:8, Philp 1:6, 1:10, and 2:16. It is also known as the Blessed Hope *Tit 2:13, and the Rapture *1 Cor 15:51 & 1 Thes 4: We know that God has spared us from the wrath to come *Rom 5:9 & 1Thes 1:10 & 5:9. The Lord is not reputing our sins against us *2Cor 5:19. 4)The book of Rev is not written by Paul, so there is no instruction to the body of Christ. In Paul’s letters the salutation never includes the spirit. Why? Because, the spirit dwells within the believer *Rom 8:9. Just another proof that the Blessed Hope has already happened before the events of Rev 4:1 5)We are addressed as saints *Philp 4:21 & Col 1:26 6)Today is the Day of Salvation *2 Cor 6:2 7)We have bishops and elders *1 Tim 3:1, Paul mentions angels 13 times in his letters, 10 of the 13 are warnings *2 Cor 11:14 8)We can’t be separated from Christ. *Rom 8:35-39 & Tit 3:5. We’re sealed unto the day of redemption *Eph 1:13 & 4:30 9)At the 2 nd coming, Jesus returns to the earth, at the battle of Armageddon. At the Blessed Hope, Jesus makes an appearance in the air *Tit 2:13. 10)The age of grace, the Blessed Hope, the Body of Christ, were a mystery, only revealed to the apostle Paul. When you confuse these issues, you have wrongly divided. 1 Cor 2:13 2 Tim 2:7 2TIM2:152TIM2:15 2TIM2:152TIM2:15
Why Revelation 4:1 Is Not The Blessed Hope 11)Other issues to take a look at: Rev 2:2, these churches can try apostles, Rev 2:7, they eat of the Tree of Life, Mat 24:3 & Mark 13:13, they must endure until the end. They can also lose their salvation. 12)Finally the key to understanding the book of Revelation is *Rev 1:10. John is writing about events that happen on the Lord’s Day, not the Day of Christ, these are two different days. He is addressing the nation Israel, since he was not allowed to go to the Gentiles *Mat 10:5, so many make the mistake of putting themselves in Israel's program, a warning is given in Rev 2:9 for those who make this mistake. 11)Today there is no way of knowing who is saved, and not saved, that’s the holy spirit’s job. We don’t eat of the Tree of Life, we don’t have to endure till the end, and we cannot lose our salvation. It’s not ours to lose, he cannot deny him self. *2 Tim 2:13 12)*Ci Scofield 1917 Study Bible, Clarence Larkin 1918 Dispensational Truths & Peter Ruckman’s Commentary of Revelation & Ruckman Study Bible. These teachers have wrongly divided and are the men primarily responsible for the confusion within the body of Christ, for the Blessed Hope, and the 2 nd coming being the same event. Whether these things were not revealed to them, or just trying to incorporate denominational beliefs, it has caused quite a confusion. 1 Cor 2:13 2 Tim 2:7 2TIM2:152TIM2:15 2TIM2:152TIM2:15 Ron Templeton