“Jesus” TAO and Project Management Lao Zi (604 BC), one of Taoist Grand Prophet, created “Tao-Te-Ching”
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management A Brief of “Tao-Te-Ching” o “Tao-Te-Ching” can be literally translated as the book (Ching) of How (Tao) things happen (Te) o The main focus of the book is concerned with man. Eighty percent (80%) of the book is devoted not to the substance of Tao but to its functions, particularly to its operation in society. This is the reason why Tao is relevant to management, especially in leadership. o Tao and Confucianism have several similarities: - Humanity- Oppose the use of - Righteousness power/punishment - Deep Love- Highly esteem the - Faithfulness integrity of the individual and social harmony “Jesus”
TAO and Project Management Tao at Macro Level: Nations’ Culture
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management Cultural Relevance of the Tao in Construction Project Management Tao and Dimensions of Culture of Hofstede (1991) Tao and Dimensions of Culture of Trompenaars (1993)
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management Five Dimensions of Culture of Hofstede Individualism or Collectivism Large or Small Power Distance Strong or Weak Uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity or Femininity Short or Long Term Orientation Confucianis m
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (1) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Individualism-Collectivism of Hofstede (1) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Individualism-Collectivism of Hofstede Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (2) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Power Distance of Hofstede (2) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Power Distance of Hofstede Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (3) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Uncertainty Avoidance of Hofstede (3) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Uncertainty Avoidance of Hofstede Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (4) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Masculinity-Femininity of Hofstede (4) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Masculinity-Femininity of Hofstede Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (5) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Confucian Dynamism (5) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Confucian Dynamism Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management Comparison of Scores by Hong Kong, USA, UK, and Tao Culture on the Cultural Dimensions under HofstedeCONCLUSION:
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management Five Dimensions of Culture of Trompenaars Individualism or Collectivism Universalism or Particularism Affective or Neutral Specific or Diffuse Achievement or Ascription Orientation
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (1) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Individualism-Collectivism of Trompenaars (1) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Individualism-Collectivism of Trompenaars Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (2) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Universalism – Capitalism of Trompenaars (2) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Universalism – Capitalism of Trompenaars Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (3) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Affective – Neutral of Trompenaars (3) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Affective – Neutral of Trompenaars Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (4) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Specific – Diffuse of Trompenaars (4) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Specific – Diffuse of Trompenaars Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management (5) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Achievement – Ascription of Trompenaars (5) Relationship Between Tao Concepts & Achievement – Ascription of Trompenaars Note: ‘ST’ represents strong adherence of the Tao concepts and ‘SL’ represents slight adherence.
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management Comparison of Scores by Hong Kong, USA, UK, and Tao Culture on the Cultural Dimensions under TrompenaarsCONCLUSION:
“Jesus” TAO and Project Management Tao Concepts and Comparing Features of Asian and Western Management