Noble Gases Groundwater recharge temperatures He Ne Ar Kr Xe
Gaz nobles Groupe 18
Noble gas solubilities and temperature
Solubility in Brines
Diffusion Sampler Diffusion Sampler Design
Ne Diffusion Sampler
Case study – Bunter Sandstone, UK
Down-gradient evolution of a 14 C and 13 C in groundwaters from the Bunter sandstone. The inverse correlation of a14C with d13C demonstrates the effect of non-decay reaction in attenuating 14C. Fig. 8-9 Down-gradient evolution of a C and 13 C in groundwaters from the Bunter sandstone. The inverse correlation of a C with 13 C demonstrates the effect of non-decay reaction in attenuating C.
Noble gas isolation and measurement by quadrupole mass spectrometry Ian, I don’t think it’ll work on Mars.
Isotope dilution method AtmosphereSpike Vol - unknown Vol - known 4 He 3 He 20 Ne 22 Ne 40 Ar 36 Ar 84 Kr 78 Kr 132 Xe 136 Xe Andrews, J.N., N. Hussain, and M.J. Youngman, Atmospheric and radiogenic gases in groundwaters from the Stripa granite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, Poole, Jason C., Gavin McNeill, Stephen R. Langman, and Frank Dennis (1997). Analysis of noble gas in water using a quadrupole mass spectrometer in static mode. Applied Geochemistry 12: Pinti, Daniele L., and Eddy Van Drom (1998). PALEOTEMP: A Mathematica® program for evaluating paleotemperatures from the concentration of atmosphere-derived noble gases in ground water. Computers and Geosciences 24:
Isotope Dilution AtmosphereSpike Vol - unknown Vol - known 4 He 3 He 20 Ne 22 Ne 40 Ar 36 Ar 84 Kr 78 Kr 132 Xe 136 Xe R 84/78 = —–––– V Kr(atm) V Kr(spike)
3 He 4 He geothermal studies groundwater age ( 4 He from decay) tritium/He dynamics
Clark, I.D. and Phillips, R.J., Geochemical and 3 He/ 4 He evidence for mantle and crustal contributions to geothermal fluids in the western Canadian continental margin. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 104: