If you build it they will come – you hope! If you build it they will come – you hope! Exploring E-Commerce Marketing on the Web
Marketing The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer’s requirements The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer’s requirements. Exploring E-Commerce The commercial functions involved in transferring goods from producer to consumer.
Marketing is concerned with: What do people want, and can we make one? Exploring E-Commerce One that sells at a price attractive to customers and profitable for us?
Marketing is concerned with: Exploring E-Commerce Can advertising and other promotions help us sell our product, even if higher priced than competitors? Are there channels of distribution that will help us get our product to customers cheaper or more efficiently than competitors?
Marketing is THE primary function in a business. Without a product to sell (or a service to offer), there is no business. Without a product to sell (or a service to offer), there is no business. Exploring E-Commerce
The Marketing Mix Exploring E-Commerce ProductPricePromotionPlaceProductPricePromotionPlace
Product-based Strategies: product categories Staples Home Depot Home Depot Costco Musical Instruments Musical Instruments More Musical Instruments More Musical Instruments Staples Home Depot Home Depot Costco Musical Instruments Musical Instruments More Musical Instruments More Musical Instruments Exploring E-Commerce
Customer-based Strategies: Meeting specific needs Sabre Business Services Business Services Web Marketing Web Marketing Sabre Business Services Business Services Web Marketing Web Marketing Exploring E-Commerce
Market Segmentation “A target market is a well-defined set of customers whose needs the organization plans to satisfy.” Philip Kotler - Philip Kotler “A target market is a well-defined set of customers whose needs the organization plans to satisfy.” Philip Kotler - Philip Kotler Exploring E-Commerce
Target Marketing Micromarketing (go for the “niche”) Geographic Marketing Demographic Marketing Psychographic Marketing Micromarketing (go for the “niche”) Geographic Marketing Demographic Marketing Psychographic Marketing Exploring E-Commerce
Micromarketing Body Jewelry Body Jewelry Manx Cats Manx Cats Body Jewelry Body Jewelry Manx Cats Manx Cats Exploring E-Commerce
Geographic Marketing Living in France Living in France Coastal California Coastal California Living in France Living in France Coastal California Coastal California Exploring E-Commerce
Demographic Marketing Retired People Retired People Generation X,Y, Z Generation X,Y, Z Retired People Retired People Generation X,Y, Z Generation X,Y, Z Exploring E-Commerce
Psychographic Marketing Goth Stuff Goth Stuff High IQ High IQ Goth Stuff Goth Stuff High IQ High IQ Exploring E-Commerce
Communicating with Different Market Segments – Old Navy Old Navy Eddie Bauer Eddie Bauer Kellogg’s Nature Valley Nature Valley Old Navy Old Navy Eddie Bauer Eddie Bauer Kellogg’s Nature Valley Nature Valley Exploring E-Commerce
Communicating with Different Market Segments – on the same web site. Dell Exploring E-Commerce
Customer Behavior Strategies BrowsersBuyersShoppersBrowsersBuyersShoppers Exploring E-Commerce
Customer Behavior Strategies Browsers – use of “triggers”. Sports Outfitter Sports Outfitter Browsers – use of “triggers”. Sports Outfitter Sports Outfitter Exploring E-Commerce
Customer Behavior Strategies Buyers – ready to buy. Barnes and Noble Barnes and Noble Buyers – ready to buy. Barnes and Noble Barnes and Noble Exploring E-Commerce
Customer Behavior Strategies McKinsey & Company 1.Simplifiers 2.Surfers 3.Bargainers 4.Connectors 5.Routiners 6.Sportsters McKinsey & Company 1.Simplifiers 2.Surfers 3.Bargainers 4.Connectors 5.Routiners 6.Sportsters Exploring E-Commerce
Customer Life Cycle Exploring E-Commerce Awareness Exploration FamiliarityCommitmentSeparation Level of Intensity
Advertising Strategies Acquiring – cost. Conversion – cost. Retain – cost. Acquiring – cost. Conversion – cost. Retain – cost. Exploring E-Commerce
NEXT: Advertising on the Web Exploring E-Commerce