BDS GDE context LC-ABD2 : WP4 - Beam Line Design 12 th April 2007, LC-ABD Plenary, RHUL Deepa Angal-Kalinin ASTeC, The Cockcroft Institute
2 Changes in BDS configuration since last LC-ABD plenary (sep’06) 20mr IR 2mr IR FF E-collim. -collim. Diagnostics BSY tune-up dump Two collider halls separated longitudinally by 138m Snowmass (August 2005) to Vancouver (July 2006) baseline
3 Changes in BDS configuration since last LC-ABD plenary (sep’06) 14mr IR One collider hall Valencia (Nov 2006) baseline
4 Changes in BDS configuration since last LC-ABD plenary (sep’06) After Valencia (Nov’06) : Final RDR BDS configuration 1 IR with 14 mrad crossing angle 2 Complementary detectors in push-pull configuration 14mr IR
5 FF E-collimator -collim. Diagnostics Tune-up dump BSY Sacrificial collimators Extraction BDS : RDR configuration -80
6 BDS layout (Single IR – Push-Pull)
7 IR hall region
8 S4 Task force for BDS R&D Chris Damerell, Hitoshi Hayano, Marc Ross –representing RDB Deepa Angal-Kalinin, Andrei Seryi, Hitoshi Yamamoto –representing BDS S4 task force is organising a series of expanded meetings, with participation of leaders or representatives of “work packages” or of collaborations working on sub-systems Goal – to discuss plans for EDR and beyond, to help GDE and funding agencies, via S4 and Global R&D board, to focus resources in most suitable way S4 Task Force
9 S4 extended task force meetings Several extended meetings since Beijing : 1.Discussion of overall plans for EDR and beyond 2.Interaction region, magnets & stability 3.Beam dump and collimation 4.Crab cavity 5.EDR planning, BDS technical risk 6.ATF2 7.Alternative extraction schemes 8.………..will continue on other topics after the MAC (26-27 April) 26 Feb 5 March 12 March 19 March 26 March 11 April ? April S4 Task Force
10 Results of discussions within S4 task force …will be used to provide feedback to GDE R&D board and may be used directly for re-planning purposes of this and next year efforts in three regions –Discussions within S4 for funds in US for , which need to be re-planned, due to new budget targets and also due to recent changes of ILC design (single push-pull IR) which shifted the balance of challenges S4 Task Force
11 Schedule assumptions Assume optimistic schedule as shown on next page (~3year for EDR, two years for Approval phase and 7 years for construction) Hopefully, this optimistic schedule may be possible if –LHC would give exciting results –Yield of SRF cavities production will reach high stable level –Process of site selection and approval will be expedited –Commitment to invest in ILC will form in all three regions –Cost uncertainty will be reduced EDR planning – focus on cost uncertainty reduction: –design of systems (at “ ~30% level” ) –build and test critical prototypes to ensure performance S4 Task Force
12 Overall schedule….under discussion within S4 S4 Task Force
13 Risk analysis in BDS Primary goal, to evaluate BDS cost risk Timeline is incorporated into analysis –Assumption in RDR / Initial Risk –Mitigation / detection in EDR –Remaining probability of failure at the end of EDR & cost impact –Mitigation / detection in construction & commissioning –Probability of failure in construction & commissioning & final cost impact S4 Task Force
14 WP description Include WP description; sub-description; Lab/University; name of WP leader; assignment status; category; FTE & M&S for (all numbers so far are placeholders) and certainty of status. S4 Task Force
15 S4 : Evolving Work Package Definitions List continues ….. S4 Task Force
16 Numbers are place holders : will be filling in the LCABD2 numbers soon Resources : certain for 07/08, uncertain for 08/09 …… S4 Task Force
17 LC-ABD2 WP4 : Beam Line Design 4.1 Lattice Design & beamline integration (STFC, Manchester, RHUL) 4.2 Collimator design (STFC, Birmingham, Lancaster, Manchester) LC-ABD1 WP1.1 +WP1.2 + WP Lattice Design & Beam Simulations 1.2 BDS beam transport simulations and backgrounds 5.3 Collimation LC-ABD1 LC-ABD2
18 WP4.1 : Lattice design & beam line integration Goals Optimisation of 14 mrad and develop engg details. BDSIM development : detailed analysis of extraction line and back scattering, synchrotron radiation … Full optics simulations of skew correction and diagnostics section (ATF2) Alternative extraction schemes Collimation optics ATF2 : simulations and beam tests Vacuum design (reduced scope) Beam Line integration Optics support at ESA or other test facility
19 WP4.1 : Lattice design & beam line integration Deliverables Full evaluation of 14 mrad IR and its integration into the detector Detailed procedure for skew correction and emittance measurement for the ATF2 and ILC Optimised beam apertures for the BDS Integration of BDS with detector integration Improved beam optics for better collimation performance Tuning knobs and tests for ATF2 Report on feasibility studies for alternative extraction schemes
20 WP4.2 : Collimator design Goals Develop data validated capability to model short range wakefields for collimators Develop materials and designs for fixed and adjustable apertures which will resist damage, quantify operational limits and prototype means of assessing damage in situ for collimators Develop overall conventional engineering design of collimators and masks, with prototyping of critical subsystem components as necessary.
21 WP4.2 : Collimator design Deliverables 3D wakefield simulations for collimator prototypes Wakefield test beam results for collimator jaws Data-validated material response simulations for BDS components Prototype damage detection system for collimators Full engineering details of absorbers, protection collimators and masks in the BDS Prototypes of critical subsystems of adjustable jaw collimators
22 Beam Line Integration WP4 Beam Line Integration WP6 MONALISA WP7 Feedback WP8 Diagnostics WP5 Crab System WP10 Beam dumps WP9 Cavity BPMs STFC engineering resources : Will need close interaction with All these WPs