Using Excel for Data Analysis in CHM 161 Monique Wilhelm
What is Excel? Computer program by Microsoft Spreadsheet program used to present data and produce graphs Can also be used to perform calculations using function “programming” Available on all campus computers
Why use Excel? Makes for better presentation of results Cleaner, more accurate graphing Ability to calculate more Accurate values from graphs
Lesson 1 Making Tables X values (independent variables) in columns to the left of Y values (dependent variables) Use top row to indicate which values you will have in which columns Be sure to add units to labels Click on cell (rectangle) and type (word or value)
Lesson 2: Performing Calculations Click on cell that you would like to have the value for the calculation placed Type “=“ to let program know that you want it to perform calculation Select “Insert” on toolbar Scroll down to “Function” and click
Lesson 2: Performing Calculations cont’d Click on categories to find function desired For this class, most common will be SUM and AVERAGE Double click on function to select Click on red-white-blue box to select values that you want program to use for calculation Use cursor to highlight boxes with desired values Click red-white-blue box to accept values Click OK to complete
Lesson 3: Making Graphs Input data as previously described Use cursor to highlight values to be plotted Select “Insert” tab Click on “scatter” and select the one with dots that are NOT connected The “Chart Tools” menu should appear In the “design” tab, go to the “chart layouts” box and select the style that you prefer(for this class, you should choose the one that has a title and labeled axes) In the “layout” tab, select “legend” and scroll down to “None” if the legend is not needed (only one line)
Lesson 3: Making Graphs Cont’d Move the chart to its own location by selecting the “design” tab then selecting “move chart” (far right). Click the bubble for “new sheet”. Click OK. Look to be sure that data is lined up on the right axes If not, right-click on a data point, select “select data”, and click “edit”. A box should appear. Select the red/white/blue box under “series X values” then highlight the values you want for the X axis. Click on the red/white/blue box to accept those values. Repeat for y values. Click OK. Click OK again.
Lesson 3: Making Graphs Cont’d Click on “Chart Title” on the graph and fill in Title (Descriptive enough to tell what info can be obtained from graph, not x vs. y, etc.) Example: “Standard Curve for the Determination of Cobalt Concentration” Do the same for the Axes labels. Don’t forget to put units. (Absorbance does not have units)
Lesson 4: Best Fit Lines Used for all standard curve graphs made in this class Make graph as previously described In the “layout” tab, select “trendline” and scroll down to “More Trendline Options…”. Click the bubble for “linear”
Lesson 4: Best Fit Lines cont’d Click “Display Equation on Chart” and “Display R-squared value”, etc. to turn these options on R-squared tells how well your data fits the line generated Can be used as indicator of accuracy for data Click on Equation, etc. displayed on chart and drag to desired (visible) location
Adding to Notebook After you have completed your editing, save the files Select the “page Layout” tab Click on “size”. Select “more paper sizes”. A window will appear Click “options”. A new window will appear. Scroll down to “2” in “Pages per Sheet” Will print 2 graphs per sheet of paper to fit in notebook Click “OK” until back to graph Follow usual printing procedures
Adding to Notebook Click on “Options” Scroll down to “2” in “Pages per Sheet” Will print 2 graphs per sheet of paper to fit in notebook Click “OK” until back to graph Select “File” on toolbar Scroll down to “Print” and click Follow usual printing procedures
Adding to Papers Right-click on outer edges to select whole graph Scroll down to “Copy” and click Open program that you desire to use to write paper (ie MS Word) Click area of report where you wish to insert graph Select “Edit” on toolbar Scroll down to “Paste” and click Click corner and drag to scale to appropriate size