Labscape Goal: Simplify lab work by making information available where it is needed and by collecting and organizing data when it is created into a formal representation that others understand and process
Sub problems Where/When should information be available? Where/when information is created? Need of formal representation Collaborative work
Characteristics Instrumentation –Materials (cells, tubes, other disposable materials) come and go. –Large number of heterogeneous devices, traditional computers. –Large scale environment –Labscape should be compatible with other similar type of labs.
Cognitive overhead –Error correction and detection should be avoided. –Lab workers do not desire additional responsibility to work in an instrumented environment. –Ambiguous interface is not desirable.
Collaborative work –More than one person work on the same protocol at the same time. –Who’s going to work on what can only be completely determined while they perform an experiment.
Challenges in recognizing progress of experiment. –It requires high precision technology to detect which sample in a batch a user is working on. –Samples involved in different steps looks identical. –Repetition of the similar operations challenges distinguishing the state of each sample.
Dynamic work flow –Constraining users is not recommended. - They tend to reorder / add/ delete steps.
Experience UI precedes AI Abstract operations and formal representation. Remaining problems. –Integrating recognition technology. –Integrating sensors to current environment.
Discussion Recognition rich environment? Predict user’s location. Associate a user with steps. –(user, device, step) –Touching/ Vision –Number of pipette tips thrown away Disambiguate state of each samples. Tracking materials
Combine input: X (dispensed material) Y (base material) output:combined material Z Throw away pipette tips Combine input: X (dispensed material) output: combined material Z Get the container W Open the lid of WClose the lid of W Z:Dispense X to Y Z:Dispense X to W Throw away pipette tips
Dispense input: X output: aspirated material W Close the lid of X Open the lid of X Get the pipette tips W:aspirate from X with volume Z adjust pipepetter volume Z