DataGRID France – 12 Feb WP 7 High-Throughput Transfers with GridFTP EU Demo : GridFTP between CERN and NIKHEF New TCP stack implementation –High-Speed TCP –Scalable TCP Achievements –More than 350 Mbit/s with one stream 165 Mbit/s with default TCP implementation Conclusions –Multi-streaming is NOT the solution (efficiency and fairness) –Firewalls are more and more often the bottleneck –System optimisation is important. SurfNe t NIKHEF CERN GEANT
DataGRID France – 12 Feb WP 7 NetworkCost functions RBUIRMNetwork APIGIS Decision JDL (Env, LFNs) CEs Match (Env) List of CEs getAccessCost (CEs, LFNs) getNetworkCost (CEs, SEs) Network Cost Matrix Full Cost Matrix ARCHICTURE CERMNetwork API getBestFile (LFN) getNetworkCost (CE, SEs) Network Cost Vector File copy
DataGRID France – 12 Feb WP 7 NetworkCost functions getNetworkCost FileSize = 10 MB Results = time to transfer (sec.) CERN RAL NIKHEF IN2P3 CNAF CERN RAL NIKHEF IN2P3 CNAF 13,084,046,534,5 CNAF 7,086,2410,385,03 IN2P3 2,6611,863,2511,13 NIKHEF 4,357,122,447,46 RAL 35,4444,8777,7846,75 CERN CNAFIN2P3NIKHEFRALCERN
DataGRID France – 12 Feb WP 7 Network Monitoring Nodes EDG 1.x : static performances analysis EDG 2.0 : used by networkCost suite A network monitoring node is RECOMMANDED on each site, but not MANDATORY PCP TopoGridRTPL Distributed Data Collector Raw IPerfErUDPmon NetLoad Agent PingEr Measure on each site Collect And Storage Visualization MapCenter Replica Managers & resources brokers Network Managers Forecaster Processing Archive MDS R-GMA MDS R-GMA NetworkCost