Smoking Related to Stress Brandon Chittick
My Paper Topic: Stressfulness of life and how to deal with it. Driving question: Does smoking influence stress in a person’s life? Thesis: Teens can deal with stress without the use of smoking much more effectively, than dealing with stress while smoking.
What I learned Teens “seem” to suffer the most from stress, which is not true. They just lack the tools to deal with their stress. When students do not have the tools needed to deal with it then it leads to inappropriate activities such as smoking. Smoking will always increase stress not lessen it. When parents are stressed their kids are also affected.
Interest Friends complained about the stress in their lives. I wanted to prove to them that daily anxiety is normal and mostly preventable.
Product Original product did not work. This product took one week of hard work, further research and organizing. I created a flip book found on titled, “Stress.” This guide provides aid at times of need. During the process of making my product I have found that dead lines are hard for me to meet.
Paper and Product Paper: Reflection of stress impacting teens. Product: A guide to alleviate stress. Connection: The product offers an answer to the problems that are created with overwhelming amounts of stress.
Success Research Teacher Input Product
Challenge Motivation Research Others finishing before myself
Future I will be able to avoid stress better than I have in the past. I have learned that the end product of hard work is worth the time spent to finish it.
Career Aiding Stress Psychology Medical
Citations "Stress, Stress Management, and Smoking." Clevland Clinic. The Clevland Clinic Foundation, Web. 27 Oct Smith, Melinda, Ellan Jaffe, and Jeanne Segal. "Understanding Stress." Help Guide. July Web. 27 Oct This presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the US Copyright Law and is restricted from further use.