1 TIF Discussion Communications Technology Services
2 Background Comparing the overall CTS budget between FY 2003/04 and FY 2009/10, total spend is nearly equal at $30.4M CTS FTEs have decreased during this period from 190 to 166 offsetting inflation, salary and benefit increases The TIF for FY 2009/10 represents approximately $14.1M The TIF elements represent one of three components of the CTS operation –Voice services –Directly billed services –Technology Infrastructure Fee components
3 Technology Infrastructure Fee Campus Backbone and Internet connectivity – 32% Maintaining the campus’ low voltage wiring infrastructure 22% Set of BOL services – 16% TIER funding – 15% Campus Exchange services – 10% Wireless services – 3% 800 MHz services - 2% General assignment classroom networking – 0%
4 Technology Infrastructure Fee Allocation Methodology Charged to all FTEs excluding work study Technology Infrastructure Fee rate history –FY 2006/07 - $39.00 –FY 2007/08 - $40.75 –FY 2008/09 - $40.75 –FY 2009/10 - $40.75 Prior to the TIF approximately $.9M was charged to C&G accounts as combined telephone and technology services
5 Allocation of TIF Dollars Prior to the TIF, approximately $.9M was charged to C&G accounts as combined telephone and technology services
6 Campus Backbone and Internet Connectivity - 32% $4.5 M of the overall $14.1M TIF budget Proposed data gathering –# of backbone connections –Bandwidth utilization –Segregate traffic flows between campus and off campus activity
7 Maintaining the low voltage wiring infrastructure – 22% $3.1M of the overall $14.1M TIF budget Set of services includes management of: –Inter- and Intra-building wiring –Building entry rooms –Campus’ LVW manhole system –LVW construction and renovation activity –Adds, moves and changes for LVW What’s not included: –Medical Enterprise off campus building connectivity Proposed data gathering –# of buildings, hub rooms, projects, etc
8 BOL set of services – 16% $2.2M of the overall $14.1M TIF budget Three cost centers – storage and supporting systems –Legacy Modem pool –BOL set of services and help desk support Managing UCLA Managing user accounts Help desk support for Help desk support for wireless Proposed data gathering –Services, help desk calls, etc By faculty, students and staff where possible
9 TIER funding – 15% $2.1M of the overall $14.1M TIF budget Funds are focused on supporting campus infrastructure projects such as data centers and NGN or Next Generation Network projects
10 Campus Exchange services – 10% $1.4M of the overall $14.1M TIF budget Currently supports >12,000 accounts of the anticipated 20,000+ accounts What’s not included: –Medical Enterprise set of Exchange Services Proposed data gathering –# of clients, services, projected savings –Benchmark data UC providers, Microsoft, Gartner best-in-class
11 Wireless, General Assignment Classroom Networking and 800 MHz emergency radio services - 5% $0.8M of the overall $14.1M TIF budget What’s not included: –Bruin Alert System infrastructure and support Proposed data gathering –# of clients, services, number of buildings, etc