The Arm Figure 11.34
The Anterior Surface of the Forearm and Fist
The Dorsum of the Hand Figure 11.36
Muscle Groups of the Leg
Foot Figure 11.40d
Surface Anatomy: Anterior Thigh + Leg Palpate Patella Condyles of femur Femoral Triangle Sartorius (lateral) Adductor longus (medial) Inguinal ligament (superior) Femoral a + v, lymph nodes
Surface Anatomy: Posterior Leg Popliteal fossa Diamond-shape fossa behind knee Boundaries Biceps femoris (sup-lat) Semitendinosis + semimembranosis (sup-med) Gastrocnemius heads (inf) Contents Popliteal a + v Calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
Surface Anatomy of Upper Limb Anatomical Snuffbox Lateral = E.pollicis brevis Medial = E. pollicis longus Floor = scaphoid, styloid of radius Contains Radial Artery (pulse)
The Anterior Surface of the Forearm and Fist