Berkeley RAD Lab Center Proposal Armando Fox, Randy Katz, Michael Jordan, Dave Patterson, Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica RADS Retreat, June 2005
Setting the Context Academic research trains next generation of IT leaders AND helps expand IT market 19 $1B+ industries from IT research (NAE) Long-term, experimental research been key Synergy of Industrial + Academic research Academic gov’t (DARPA)/industry funded (>80% / <20%) 3-6 faculty, grad student, 2-3 staff, 4-5 yrs Berkeley SW: Spice/Magic CAD programs, BSD (Berkeley SW Distribution) Unix op. sys., Ingres/Postgres Relational Databases, … HW: RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), NOW (Networks of Workstations), …
Traditional Research Funding Today Avg. industry research shorter term today DARPA exiting long-term (exp.) IT research ’03-’05 BAAs: 9 AI, 2 classified, 1 SW radio, 1 sensornet, 1 reliability Academic led funding reduced 50% in 3 years Faculty ≈ consultants in consortia led by defense contractor, get grants ≈ support 1-2 students in return NSF swamped with proposals, conservative 2000 to 6500 proposals in 5 years IT has lowest acceptance rate at NSF (between 8% to 16%) “Ambitious proposal” is a negative review Even if get NSF funding, proposal reduced to stretch NSF $ e.g., “ServRADS” got 3 x ⅓ faculty, 6 grad students, 0 staff, 3 years (To learn more, see
Sustaining Innovation Engine? Replicate research centers based primarily on industrial funding to train next generation of IT leaders and expand IT market Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC); 50 grad students Stanford Network Research Center (SNRC); ?? Grad students Exciting, long term technical vision Demonstrated by prototype(s) Industry largely funds, so industry helps set directions N companies, where N ≥ 6 center proposes 1 st draft of new standard Multiple interfaces: Framework, OS, server, router, …
Existing Center Models: SNRC ( Industrial Executive Council√ Place a Researcher-in-Residence√ CTO Roundtable/Forum√√ Technical Advisory Board√√ Initiate targeted Ph.D. student mentorship program√√ Industrial Review Committee√√√ Annual Contribution$250k*$250k$50k * Must also endow 1 Faculty Chair + 2 Grad Fellowships (1 X $1.5M + 2 x $0.3M) Foundation Member* Senior Member Affiliate Partner
Existing Center Models: BWRC ( Member, Board of Advisors √ 1 Provisional Industrial Researcher (< 2 months, no UC IP agreement) √ 1 Visiting Industrial Fellow (≥ 2 months, sign UC IP agreement) √ Attend 2 research reviews √√ Donations: Product, equipment or technology √√ Annual Grant Contribution$150K†$75K† * P.M. who is also a CITRIS Founding Corporate Member called Platinum Participating Member* Associate Member † BWRC gets ½ funding via MARCO center, funded 50% industry & 50% DoD IP: put in public domain or offer no-fee, non-exclusive licenses
Founding the RADLab; Start ≈ Jan ’06? $2.5M / yr (≈½ BWRC) 80% industry, 20% gov’t 5 years: 25 grad students, 25 undergrads, 6 faculty, 2 staff Looking for ≈ 3 founding companies to fund ≈ 3-5 cost of 2 employees / year + ≈ 3 founding companies to fund ≈ 3-5 cost of 1 employee / year Follow Berkeley Wireless Research Center model IP model, Board of Advisors, Participating/Associate Members, Industrial Fellow, Executive Director for day-to-day operations, … + Add good ideas from SNRC: Targeted Mentor, … + Your good ideas go here (Design review, brain storming, …?) Got leads or advice? Contact one of us {fox, randy, jordan, pattrsn, shenker,
Overarching Mantra Enable a faster pace of network service innovation through new distributed system architectures that reduce operations cost by 2-3 orders of magnitude The Challenge: Software systems: Too much information make sense of it through statistical learning & control theory Network systems: Too little information exploit better observation and monitoring in the network infrastructure to drive management processes The Payoff: Single person can write, profile, deploy, operate the next- generation IT business (“the Fortune 1 million”) Do for Internet apps what Web did for individual publishing