Rollerslam! Q: What is Rollerslam? A: A Fusion Sport! Soccer Handball Ice Hockey Australian Football Basketball Rugby Gaelic Football American Football Roller Derby Slamball
78m 16m 64,25m 45m 24m The Rink: View from above Field in-track out-track Ramp Edge Trampoline Goal In-Tramp Out-Tramp Center Circle Bounce Circle Track Zone Division
The Rink: Cut Views
Tactics: the Line-Up EB 1 GK 0 RB 2 LB 3 CB 4 FB 5 FB 6 HB 8 RT 7 CT 9 LT 11 HF 10 RV 12 RV 13 CF 15 RF 14 RF 16 EF 19 FF 17 FF 18 IB 20 IT 21 IR 22 IC 23 IF 24
The Goal, the Trampoline and the Ramp: View from above Inner Trampoline Goal Ramp Outer Trampoline (Ramp) Edge Basket Edge Shot Square Goal Line Edge Wall Field Offensive Edge Shot Circle Defensive Edge Shot Circle
The Goal, the Trampoline and the Ramp: Front Cut View 7m 10m 2.5m 3m 6m 4m 5m 7m 1.25m 1.5m 3m
The Goal, the Trampoline and the Ramp: Side Cut View 7m
Our Proposal
2D Game View Field in-track Edge Goal Track Zone Division Basket Ball Player
Physical Model V=(Vx,Vy) { speed } Field a = (ax,ay) { power } Ball S = (x,y) { position } Player S = (x,y) { position } V=(Vx,Vy) { speed } Player R bo P bo (%)
Physical Model Discrete Time Frames, with P bo (%) probability
Physical Model Goal Area Basket (1x1) Goal (1x9) in-track Field