1 Report of the University Senate Budget Committee 2007-08 Update on the 2000 Senate Budget Committee White Paper.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Report of the University Senate Budget Committee Update on the 2000 Senate Budget Committee White Paper

2 University Senate Budget Committee Suzanne Clark John Chalmers David Frank Peter Keyes Mike Kellman Gordon Sayre (ex officio) Marie Vitulli (chair)

3 UO in Crisis Ranking in national polls ➘ Carnegie Foundation now places UO in the second tier of research institutions (RU/H rather than the top RU/VH for “ very high ” research activity) Association of American Universities membership in jeopardy

4 Instructional Faculty is the Engine that Drives this Institution Faculty salaries  10.2% of overall UO budget Small expenditure on the teaching faculty directly or indirectly generates virtually all UO revenues –tuition and fees –appropriations from the legislature –grants and contracts – athletics

5 OUS Comparators

6 White Paper Goals 2000: Achieve 95% of the average total compensation of our peer comparators 2008: Achieve the average salary of our peer comparators at each rank

7 Progress Towards 2000 Goal Data for comparators from data reported to AAUP in fall. Data for UO includes raises for following Jan.-Mar.

8 Not Much Progress on Salaries


10 Make Faculty A First Priority Payment for deferred maintenance on a corps which finds both its checkbook and morale in shreds and tatters must be the first priority of the administration

11 Cost of Bringing Us to Parity UO must add $10.2 million dollars to its instructional faculty salary base to achieve parity

12 Recommendations 1.UO should aspire to reach parity, without letting total compensation slip, in the next academic year. 2.UO must make solving the compression and inversion problem a top priority. 3.Any implementation strategy must address individual circumstances. We must not allow significant salary increases directed at a relatively few individuals convince us that we have solved the overall problem

13 Approaches 1.Combine state appropriations for faculty with a reallocation of tuition and RAM dollars and a concerted effort to increase foundation funding for meritorious faculty. 2.Supplement the average comparator raises for full, associate and assistant professors and lecturers by 5.0%, 4.0%, 0.9%, and 2.9% each year achieve mean of our comparators salaries by 2010 – 2011.

14 Approaches 3.Supplement COLA and merit increases by reallocation of 1% of the prior year ’ s base budget (tuition dollars, RAM dollars, and lottery funds) to faculty salaries each year until parity is reached.