AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Catherine Frey Week 4: February 8 th, 2007 Propulsion Group, Transfer Vehicle Group Transfer Vehicle Combustion Chamber Sizing Frey 1
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design TV Combustion Chamber TV –TC –aM –dE LOX/LH 2 –ρ = 280 kg/m 3 –O/F = 5.50 Masses per individual tank –Based on Ares V payload capacity ConfigurationLOX Mass LH 2 Mass Combined combustion chamber mt66.52 mt Individual combustion chambers mt66.43 mt Frey 2
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Combustion Chamber Volumes ConfigurationLOX Volume LH 2 Volume Chamber Volume Combined combustion chamber m m m 3 Individual combustion chambers m m m 3 Frey 3
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Back-Up Slides Frey 4
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Liquid Propellant Calculations LOX density: 1149 kg/m 3 LH 2 density: 70.9 kg/m 3 O/F ratio used: 5.50 LH 2 mass –m LH2 =(m prop )(1+O/F) LOX mass –m LOX =(O/F)(m LH2 ) LH 2 volume –V LH2 = (m LH2 /ρ LH2 ) LOX volume –V LOX = (m LOX /ρ LOX ) Frey 5
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Frey 6
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Frey 7
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design References Huzel, Dieter K., and David H. Huang. Modern Engineering for Design of Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines. Ed. A R. Seebass. Vol Washington DC: AIAA, "Space and Its Exploration: How a Liquid Propellant Rocket Works." Space Exploration. 6 Feb "Space Shuttle Main Engine." Boeing: Rocketdyne. 5 Feb Wade, Mark. "Lox/LH2." Encyclopedia Astronautica. Astronautix. 6 Feb Frey 8