Identity Management with Microsoft Identity Integration Server
How Integration Happens “Identity Chaos” “Identity Chaos” Multiple repositories of identity information Multiple user IDs, multiple passwords Decentralized management, ad hoc data sharing Flat Files And Sneaker-net Enterprise Directory HRSystem InfraApplication Lotus Notes Apps In-HouseApplication COTSApplication ContractorSystem In-HouseApplication Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data
Opportunity For Improvement: HRSystem InfraApplication Lotus Notes Apps In-HouseApplication COTSApplication ContractorSystem In-HouseApplication Enterprise Directory Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Authentication Authorization Identity Data Metadirectory “Identity Integration” “Identity Integration” Rock solid software to integrate identity
What is Identity Integration? Identity Data LDAP SQL Directory Synchronization Directory Synchronization Password Management Password Management Provisioning and Workflow Provisioning and Workflow NOS Mainframe/Unix Metadirectory
Exchange 5.5 Directory Synchronization Synchronizes multiple repositories Synchronizes multiple repositories “Agentless” connection to other systems “Agentless” connection to other systems Provides attribute-level control Provides attribute-level control Manage global address lists (GAL) Manage global address lists (GAL) Automate group and DL management Automate group and DL management Active Directory Notes iPlanet SQL Oracle Metadirectory
Password Management Initial password set Initial password set Centralized password control via a Web app Centralized password control via a Web app Self-service password reset Helpdesk password reset Decentralized password synchronization Decentralized password synchronization 3 rd party password sync products can easily integrate iPlanet Web app Metadirectory
Provisioning & Workflow Simple Provisioning & De-provisioning Simple Provisioning & De-provisioning Provision users as they appear in authoritative systems Set initial values for attributes (including password) Disable or delete accounts Complex Workflow Complex Workflow Initiate workflow or provisioning system Integrate with BizTalk Planning to add support for SPML when finalized Integrate with 3 rd party provisioning systems Business Layers, WaveSet, Access360
What Is Microsoft Identity Integration Server? Microsoft Identity Integration Server is… Microsoft Identity Integration Server is… The next version of Microsoft’s Metadirectory A flexible synchronization and identity integration framework Software that ensures consistency of identity data across repositories Microsoft Identity Integration Server makes it radically easier to design, deploy and manage a metadirectory across an enterprise of any size
Metadirectory Concepts Connected Data Source (CD) Connected Data Source (CD) Any source and/or destination containing identity data Management Agent (MA) Management Agent (MA) Facilitates the communication between Microsoft Identity Integration Server and the CD Connector Space (CS) Connector Space (CS) Staging area for inbound or outbound synchronized attributes Metaverse (MV) Metaverse (MV) Central (SQL) store of identity information Matching CS entries to a single MV entry is called “join” CD Microsoft Identity Integration Server CS MV MA
Metadirectory Architecture Metadirectory MV CS CS CS SQL Server 2000 Identity Repositories Network CS
New Metadirectory Features Capability MMS 2.2 MIIS 2003 Standard datastore Proprietary SQL 2000 Microsoft Identity Integration Server extensions/Scripting Proprietary VS.NET languages Fault tolerance/failover Limited SQL Clustering Scalability1M100M LDAP access - via ADAM Extensible APIs No WMI, SDK Easily move from test to production No Password Management No Support renames in connected systems No XML-basedNo Data lineage No Single User View (Polyarchy) No Consulting engagement RequiredOptional
Installation demo demo
User Interface demo demo
Metadirectory Connectors AD/Exchange 2000/Exchange 2003 AD/Exchange 2000/Exchange 2003 ADAM ADAM SunOne Directory (iPlanet) SunOne Directory (iPlanet) SQL SQL Oracle Oracle DSML 2.0 DSML 2.0 LDAP Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) LDAP Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) Delimited Text Delimited Text Fixed-Width Text Fixed-Width Text Attribute-Value Pair Text Attribute-Value Pair Text NT4 NT4 Exchange 5.5 Exchange 5.5 Lotus Notes 4.6 and 5.0 Lotus Notes 4.6 and 5.0 Novell eDirectory 8.62/8.7 Novell eDirectory 8.62/8.7 Other LDAP-based and RDBMS systems to follow Other LDAP-based and RDBMS systems to follow
Management Agents HRSystem Metadirectory iPlanetDirectory ActiveDirectory File LDAP
Creating Management Agents demo demo
Running Management Agents demo demo
Identity Aggregation HRSystem Metadirectory iPlanetDirectory ActiveDirectory FirstName LastName EmployeeID Telephone givenName sn title mail employeeID telephone Klarek Cenntt 008 givenName sn title mail employeeID telephone givenName sn title mail employeeID telephone Klarke Kent Superhero 007 givenName sn title mail employeeID telephone Clark Kent Clark Kent 007 givenName sn title mail employeeID telephone Clark Kent 007 Reporter
Identity Aggregation demo demo
Provisioning/Workflow 1. Simple Provisioning/Deprovisioning Create accounts when new users appear in authoritative systems Create accounts when new users appear in authoritative systems Set initial values for attributes (including password) Set initial values for attributes (including password) Disable or delete accounts in response to change in authoritative systems Disable or delete accounts in response to change in authoritative systems 2. Complex Workflow Initiate workflow or provisioning system (ex: BizTalk Orchestration) for long-running or multi-part workflow Initiate workflow or provisioning system (ex: BizTalk Orchestration) for long-running or multi-part workflow Integrate with ISV Products Integrate with ISV Products
Provisioning Scenario HRSystem Metadirectory iPlanetDirectory ActiveDirectory File LDAP
De-Provisioning Scenario HRSystem Metadirectory iPlanetDirectory ActiveDirectory File LDAP
Simple Provisioning and De-Provisioning demo demo
Extending Capabilities Modify the behavior of Microsoft Identity Integration Server Modify the behavior of Microsoft Identity Integration Server Call methods on the interface in response to changes in the system Model defines a managed interface Model defines a managed interface Configuration set in UI determines which methods are called Write custom extensions in any programming language with a compiler for the CLR Write custom extensions in any programming language with a compiler for the CLR Visual Studio projects auto-generated for VB or C#
Extending Microsoft Identity Integration Server using Visual Studio.NET demo demo
Preview Mode System is transparent in design System is transparent in design Allows architect/developer to preview work in the metadirectory without committing any changes Allows the testing of Allows the testing of Configuration changes New rules New connected directories Can view all results through the UI Can view all results through the UI
Preview Mode demo demo
Passwords 1. Initial password set Core functionality Core functionality 2. Centralized password control Web-based, extensible application for building self-serve or helpdesk support applications Web-based, extensible application for building self-serve or helpdesk support applications 3. Decentralized password synchronization Integrate with ISV Products Integrate with ISV Products WebAppWebApp MIIS 2003 iPlanetiPlanet ADAD
Visualization Different hierarchies suit different needs Different hierarchies suit different needs Multiple hierarchical representations can be discovered from data Multiple hierarchical representations can be discovered from data Polyarchy eliminates the requirement for fixed hierarchy Polyarchy eliminates the requirement for fixed hierarchy Polyarchy provides multiple hierarchical views and richer visualization of infrastructure information Polyarchy provides multiple hierarchical views and richer visualization of infrastructure information
Summary Reduce administration cost Reduce administration cost GAL management DL/group management Helpdesk password reset Improved productivity Improved productivity User self-service Faster access to systems Increased security Increased security Fast de-provisioning iPlanet SQL Oracle Active Directory Exchange 5.5 Notes Metadirectory
© 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.