Plans for Work on CMS Emlyn Hughes Caltech DOE HEP Review July 21, 2004
SUMMARY *Performed a first measurement of parity violation in e - e - scattering *Future parity experiments active *Complementary to collider experiments Final published results in ~ 1/2 year yesterday
SUMMARY II I have spent 12 years of my life confirming the Standard Model... Time to discover something...
Visited CERN end of March Joined Caltech HEP group in April
Some Personal Facts *Graduated 5 PhD students in June, 2004 (NSF nuclear physics funded) *Did my PhD CERN (Jack Steinberger in neutrino physics) *Member of SLD in the early 1990s (Prescott SLAC) *Member of the STAR collaboration since 2003 (proton-proton collider program) *One decade on spin structure functions ! relevant
CMS PLAN #1: Hire Graduate students * head of the Caltech physics graduate admissions next year *teaching Physics 135b Introduction to High Energy Physics (1 st year grad students) 1999 Feynman Teaching Award
SLAC E158 RESULT: Unblinded new result: June 25, 2004 Presentation to SLAC Annual DOE Review: June 2, 2004 JUNE
Standard Model Higgs Search
CMS PLAN #2: Join “Higgs to 2 gamma” team Diffractive Higgs Production?? appropriate match to Caltech CMS group