Rob Burnett Head of European Equities Neptune Investment Management European Opportunities Fund
Rob Burnett Neptune: The Essentials An independent, privately-owned boutique house with over £1bn AUM Differentiated by our global sector, team-based investment process Incentivised culture where each member of team own Company shares Funds to be capped given high conviction, concentrated portfolios Winner of Specialist Group of the Year Award 2006 (Investment Week)
Rob Burnett Meet the Team Robin Geffen Chief Investment Officer Shelley Kuhn Consumer Sector Rob Burnett Financials Sector Derek Bartlett Chief Economist Felix Wintle Healthcare & Biotech Sectors Jeremy Smith Oil & Gas Sectors Chris Taylor Technology & Telecoms Sectors Ewan Thompson Mining & Metals Sectors Deputy Economist Harriet Grieve Chemicals & Utilities Sectors Alex Breese Industrials Sector Douglas Turnball Financials Sector Economist
Rob Burnett Neptune European Opportunities Fund Launched on 29 th November 2002 Managed by Rob Burnett ‘A’ rated by Forsyth-OBSR Fund size – over £85m (as at ) Income class introduced in January 2005 Available via key platforms & third party distributors
Rob Burnett The Performance Story Discrete calendar year performance (source: Lipper) 1 st / 95 1 st / 97 1 st / 103 %
Rob Burnett Three Overarching Fund Themes CashNew & Old EuropeNew World Order
Rob Burnett Cash Outperformance : Yield, M&A, Private Equity Fund has income class, current yield c.1.5%, numerous opportunities European FCF generation has trebled in the last 5 years European ex financials cash balances at an all time high Source: Morgan Stanley
Rob Burnett Why M&A will continue to be strong in 2007 Financial imperative is clear Financial fire power is strengthening We are mid-way through this cycle, but danger of protectionism Source: Exane BNP Paribas
Rob Burnett New Europe Opportunities continue to abound from the GDP per capita convergence theme Optimal: western listed, but with emerging Europe growth profile Greece, Turkey
Rob Burnett “Old Europe”: German Competitiveness & Consumption Entered euro at a competitive disadvantage, now level playing field Consumers unleveraged. VAT increase, but savings rate decline Asset reflation
Rob Burnett German Residential Property: Downside Limited * Federal Statistics Office Low prices. No more subsidies Population growth to decline from 2010 but households will continue to rise until 2018* Today’s construction level too low Source: VDM
Rob Burnett German Residential Property: Downside Limited Low house ownership ratio to rise, particularly in cities. Privatisation Prices turned up in 2005 in all 5 major cities. Impact on consumer confidence BUT: high tenant protection keeps yields low Source: Federal Statistics Office
Rob Burnett New World Order: Europe the Gateway to Global Growth Basic demographic and economic implications. Strong US parallels from 20 th century Savings rate at 30% will fall. Banking sector consolidation. Welfare provision Civil unrest
Rob Burnett New World Order: Opportunity and Threat Stage 1: Infrastructure Stage 2: Consumption Changing patterns of global trade, lengthening business cycles: industrials Exclusive consumption and staples
Rob Burnett After strong growth already: Energy in 2007 2007: All about non- OPEC & Saudi Arabia Oil Services. Liquidity. Avoid the crowd Alternative Energy: the political imperative
Rob Burnett Outlook The prime risk factors are the US: housing / consumption and yen carry trade Path to the next economic cycle, rocky in the summer, less so now. US 10 year, Oil Inflationary trends. Stability of interest rates and growth. Risk premia Neptune European Opportunities Fund offers outperformance, yield and low absolute risk profile
Rob Burnett Buying Neptune Funds Intermediaries Most funds are available on the following Platforms / Life Links: — CoFunds — Funds Direct — Legal & General — FundsNetwork — Lifetime Group — Standard Life — Selestia — Nucleus — Skandia — Transact — James Hay — Norwich Union Int’l — 7im — Abbey — AXA International — Pershing — Scottish Widows — Scottish Equitable — Vantage — SIPP Centre — Scottish Life Int’l
Rob Burnett Important Information This document is issued by Neptune Investment Management Limited (“Neptune”) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Neptune Funds are available to any persons that may be marketed to under the Financial Services and Markets Act (Promotion of Collective Investment Schemes) (Exemptions) Order Private customers should consult their Independent Financial Adviser or other authorised intermediary. Please check with your professional financial adviser as to whether such products are available in the country in which you are resident. None of our products are available to residents in the United States. Please remember that past performance should not be seen as a guide of future performance. The value of an investment and any income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Any past performance data that has not been shown is due to the information not being available. Neptune is not authorised to give investment advice and only provides information on Neptune products.