Decision-making process in the Nikolay Kaveshnikov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)
European Council European Commission Council of Ministers European Parliament political guidelines decision-making
Secondary legislation may be adopted by… Council of ministers proposal from the Commission (sometimes without) mostly decisions Commission within its powers delegated legislation mostly decisions European parliament acting jointly with the Council proposal from the Commission different procedures practically all regulations and directives
The European Commission Sole right of legislative initiative only Commission may amend the proposal may remove the proposal De jure – simple majority
The European Parliament Various types of involvement Amendments by simple majority (usually) Rejection by absolute majority
Members of the European Parliament (Nice Treaty) Germany99 Slovakia13 France72 Ireland12 Italy72 Lithuania12 UK72 Latvia 8 Spain50 Slovenia 7 Poland50 Estonia 6 Netherlands25 Luxembourg 6 Belgium22 Cyprus 6 Greece22 Malta 5 Portugal22 Czech Rep.20 TOTAL (25)682 Hungary20 Sweden18 Romania 33 Austria17 Bulgaria 17 Denmark13 Finland13 TOTAL (27)732
The Council of Ministers Simple majority - procedural issues Unanimity - industry, taxation, R&D programmes, regional and social funds… Qualified majority voting (QMV) - agriculture, fisheries, the internal market, environment, transport...
The Council of Ministers: QMV (before Nice Treaty) votes population, mln. persons per 1 vote Germany1082,58,3 France1059,66,0 UK1059,1 5,9 Italy1057,15,7 Spain840,75,1 Netherlands516,23,2 Greece511,0 2,2 Belgium510,42,1 Portugal510,42,1 Sweden4 8,92,2 Austria4 8,12,2 Denmark3 5,41,8 Finland3 5,21,7 Ireland3 4,01,3 Luxembourg2 0,40,2 Total = 87 QM = 62
The Council of Ministers: QMV (before and under Nice Treaty) Before NT: double majority Majority of MS QMV: 62/87 votes = 71% - blocking minority of 26 = 2 big MSs + 2 small/medium MSs Under NT: triple majority + redistribution of votes Majority of MS QMV: 258/345 votes = 74% 62% of EU population protect big MSs
The Council of Ministers: QMV (under Nice Treaty) Germany29 Slovakia 7 France29 Ireland 7 Italy29 Lithuania 7 UK29 Latvia 4 Spain27 Slovenia 4 Poland27 Estonia 4 Netherlands13 Luxembourg 4 Belgium12 Cyprus 4 Greece12 Malta 3 Portugal12 Czech Rep.12 TOTAL (25) 321; QM = 232 (72%) Hungary12 Sweden10 Romania 14 Austria10 Bulgaria 10 Denmark 7 TOTAL (27) 345; QM = 258 (74%) Finland 7
The Council of Ministers: QMV (under Nice Treaty and under Constitutional Treaty) Under NT: triple majority a majority of MSs QMV: 258/345 votes = 74% 62% of EU population - blocking minority of 38% = Germany + 2 big MSs Under CT: double majority + repealing of votes majority of MSs – 55% 65% of EU population - blocking minority of 35% = 3 big MSs blocking minority – at least 4 MSs protect small/medium MSs protect big MSs
Decision-making procedures Basic (COM + CM) Consultation (COM + EP+ CM) Co-operation (COM + EP+ CM) Co-decision (COM + EP+ CM) Assent (COM + EP+ CM)
Basic legislative procedure COM CM COREPERDGs proposal legislative act (regulation, directive, decision) If CM acts by QMV CM adopts proposal by QMV CM amends proposal by unanimity
Consultation procedure COMCM proposal Legislative act If COM supports some EP’ amendments CM adopts these amendments by QMV CM rejects these amendments by unanimity COMEP (amended) proposal opinion (on EP’ amendments) opinion (amendments)
Consultation procedure CM can ignore EP’ amendments If COM supports EP’ amendments, it is easier for CM not to change them Areas –JHA cooperation –Measures on preventing discriminations –EU citizenship –Agriculture –Police cooperation –Competition –Taxes –Economic policy
Co-operation procedure COMCMCOMEP () 2 introduced by SEA, 1985 two readings EP can amend the proposal EP can reject the proposal at the second reading by absolute majority CM can overrun EP’ veto EMU issues
Co-operation procedure 1 st reading COMCM proposal common position COMEP (amended) proposal opinion (on EP’ amendments) opinion (amendments)
Co-operation procedure 2 nd reading COMCM common position leg. act COMEP (amended) proposal opinion (on EP’ amendments) opinion (amendments) no CM
Co-decision procedure COMCMCOMEP () 2 introduced by Maastricht Treaty, 1992 two readings + conciliation mechanism EP can reject the proposal after the conciliation mechanism CM can not overrun EP’ veto Conciliation committee
Co-decision procedure 1 st reading COMCM proposal common position COMEP (amended) proposal opinion (on EP’ amendments) opinion (amendments)
Co-decision procedure 2 nd reading COMCM common position adopts EP’ amendments - legislative act COM EP opinion (on EP’ amendments) opinion (amendments) yes no Conciliation committee
Co-decision procedure Conciliation committee (3 rd reading) CM final text EP yes no Conciliation committee yes legislative act no
Co-decision procedure Areas –Free movement of workers –non-discrimination on the basis of nationality –Right to move and reside –Transport –Internal market –Employment –Custom cooperation –Education –Vocational training –Culture –Health –Consumer protection –TENs –Research –Environment –Anti-fraud measures…
Assent procedure COMCM proposal legislative act EP can not amend the proposal ‘double key’ principle Few most important issues – accession treaties – association treaties EP yes no
Basic tendencies of evolution More QMV in the Council More powers fro the EP More activities of NGOs More unofficial consultations with national parliaments