E166 Collaboration J.C. Sheppard SLAC, October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting SLAC, October 24-26, 2003 J. C. Sheppard.


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Presentation transcript:

E166 Collaboration J.C. Sheppard SLAC, October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting SLAC, October 24-26, 2003 J. C. Sheppard

J.C. Sheppard SLAC October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting Where Friday: Fuji Room, Bldg. 214 Saturday-Monday: ROB Redwood Room, Bldg 48 Who Naomi Nagahashi: Admin, Bldg 214 Nick Arias: Computers, Bldg 214 Vinod Bharadwaj: Talks, Schedule, Complaints

J.C. Sheppard SLAC October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting Redwood Room, ROB Fuji Room, B214 SLAC Hotel

J.C. Sheppard SLAC October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting What Friday-Saturday Noon: E166 Background Test Saturday PM-Sunday Noon: E166 Polarized Positron Production Test Then Sunday PM-Monday PM: POWER Meeting (see Gudi Moortgat-Pick)

J.C. Sheppard SLAC October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting E166 Collaboration Meeting DRAFT Agenda Friday, Oct 24BACKGROUND TEST : FUJI ROOM, Building 214 9:00 AM0:15WelcomeJohn Sheppard 9:15 AM0:30T467 - Background Test & Beam ResultsAchim Weidemann 9:45 AM0:30Beam tuning strategiesFranz-Josef Decker 10:15 AM0:15Simulations 10:30 AM Overview - what do we wantJohn Sheppard 10:30 AM0:15>>>COFFEE BREAK<<< 10:45 AM0:25 Background simulation for E166Yuri Batygin 11:10 AM0:25 Csl shieldingGary Bower 11:35 AM0:25 Results from FLUKAVinod Bharadwaj 12:00 PM2:00>>>LUNCH<<< 2:00 PM Status of Apparatus 2:00 PM0:30 SiliconBill Bugg 2:30 PM0:30 CsIAchim Stahl 3:00 PM0:30 BeampipeDieter Walz 3:30 PM0:30>>>COFFEE BREAK<<< 4:00 PM0:20 AerogelKirk McDonald 4:20 PM0:20 ShieldingDieter Walz 4:40 PM0:20 Magnets/Beamline EquipJohn Sheppard 5:00 PM >>> END OF DAY <<<

J.C. Sheppard SLAC October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting E166 Collaboration Meeting, Saturday PM

J.C. Sheppard SLAC October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting E166 Collaboration Meeting, Sunday, AM

J.C. Sheppard SLAC October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting E-166 Activities EPAC/SLAC Approval in June, 2003 Formation of Background Test Review Committee, June 2003 Mini-Workshop on E166 Backgrounds: July, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting: October, 2003 Background Test Review: October 31, 2003 SLAC Tech. Div. Schedule Discussion: Week of November 3, 2003 EPAC Status Report: November 14-15, 2003

J.C. Sheppard SLAC October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting E-166 Activities, cont’d T467: Detector and DAQ Development in FFTB: since April, 2003 Installation of Background Test equipment: February, 2004 Background Tests: February-July, 2004, tbd E166 Polarized Positron Production: January, 2005

J.C. Sheppard SLAC October, 2003 E166 Collaboration Meeting E166 Background Test T467: Background Test and Beam Results: Achim Weidemann Beam Tuning Strategies: Franz-Josef Decker Simulations: Overview-what do we want: John Sheppard Background simulation for E166: Yuri Batygin CsI Shielding:Gary Bower Results from FLUKA:Vinod Bharadwaj