System Deming (1992) “A system is an interconnected complex of functionally related components that work together to try to accomplish the aim of the system.” Every system has to aims: –Good life for today. –Good life for the future.
Systems Thinking Ways to think about the forces and interrelationships that shape the behavior of systems. Language to describe and understand this way of thinking. Discipline of how to change systems. Connection to the broader processes of nature and the economy.
Two Particularly Important Changes Associated With the New Paradigm Shift from emphasis on the parts (analysis) to emphasis on the whole (synthetic knowledge), which is the result of an inseparable web of relationships. A shift from emphasis on the structure of things to emphasis on the processes (over time) that manifest the structure.
Value Cost adjusted performance. Value=Performance/Cost What counts is the perception of the customer.
Performance Q-qualityS-speed (time)F-flexibility
Porter’s Value Chain
Is This What is Implied?
Organizational Relationships
Wrap-up Not a method, but a perspective. Hopefully a useful perspective. Fewer answers than questions. Initial thinking in a rather intense endeavor.