Improved aperture-coupled microstrip antenna By Mohamed Morsy
Aperture coupled antenna
Coplanar Patch Antenna The coplanar waveguide, compared with the microstrip line, has advantages such as low radiation loss, less dispersion, uniplanar configuration
Stacked slot coupled coplanar patch antenna Top view Side View Є1=6.15 , Є2= Є3=2.2
Radiation Pattern
Radiation pattern after increasing the aperture’s length
After adding metal sheet at the bottom substrate
Radiation pattern after adjusting the stub
Radiation pattern after adding metal sheet at the substrate and adjusting the stub match
conclusion Using coplanar patch antenna is not a good choice in case of aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna although it has low radiation loss, less dispersion and high efficiency it will act as a reflector to the aperture slot radiation which radiates on both sides of the ground plane resulting in huge amount of back radiation that destroys the antenna functionality Depending only on stacked slot coupled antenna will give better results in terms of radiation pattern
Future work Using new innovation of aperture coupled microstrip antenna that gives better radiation pattern
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