Accretion Channeling in CTTS Scott Gregory, Moira Jardine
Classical T Tauri Stars (CTTS) (Goodson et al. 1997)
Magnetic Field Detection in CTTS Surface fields of 1-3 kG detected from: –Zeeman broadened spectral lines (e.g. Johns-Krull et al. 1999). –Circularly polarised lines –Increased line equivalent widths (e.g. Guenther et al. 1999). –Electron-cyclotron maser emission (Smith et al. 2003).
Accreting Field Extrapolations (Gregory et al. 2004, in preparation) LQ Hya surface map. Potential field extrapolation with source surface. Isothermal corona in hydrostatic equilibrium.
Accreting Field Extrapolations (Gregory et al. 2004, in preparation) AB Dor surface map. Potential field extrapolation with source surface. Isothermal corona in hydrostatic equilibrium.
Accretion Footpoints Longitude Latitude
LQ Hya like field.AB Dor like field. Future Work: X-ray Emission
LQ Hya like field.AB Dor like field. Future Work: X-ray Emission
Future Work ESPaDOnS (Echelle SpectroPolarimetric Device for the Observation of Stars at CFHT): –Observations of DF Tau and BP Tau (plus V410 Tau and V830 Tau) in (Petit, Donati & the ESPaDOnS project team 2004) Magnetospheric accretion models with potential field extrapolations.