Multiple Human Objects Tracking in Crowded Scenes Yao-Te Tsai, Huang-Chia Shih, and Chung-Lin Huang Dept. of EE, NTHU International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR ’ 06)
Outline Introduction Initialization and Pixel Classification Single Object Tracking Tracking Occluded Objects Experimental Results Conclusion
Outline Introduction Initialization and Pixel Classification Single Object Tracking Tracking Occluded Objects Experimental Results Conclusion
Introduction human objects tracking systems Pfinder Utilize stochastic, region-based feature McKenna et al. Adaptive Gaussian mixture to model color distribution M2Tracker Combine presence probability with color model to classify each pixel Tsutsui et al. Exchange the optical flow information within multiple cameras
Multiple human objects tracking system System consist of Model-based object segmentation Remove noise of segmented region Optical flow-based position estimation Occlusion detection Object separation from occlusion Contribution Track occlusion, separate object and track it individually afterwards
Outline Introduction Initialization and Pixel Classification Single Object Tracking Tracking Occluded Objects Experimental Results Conclusion
Gaussian Mixture Color Model Condition probability for pixel i belong to object O is Parameters: mean, and covariance matrix Expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm To determine the maximum likelihood parameters of a mixture of m Gaussian
Color Model Use HIS space to reduce ambient illumination change Each pixel i has 2-D feature vector where h i is the hue, s i is the saturation Likelihood pixel i belonging to torso (n=0) or the bottom (n=1) of a person O is
Color similarity The color of the torso of object 1 is similar to the color of the bottom of object 2 (b) is the result of applying the torso color model of object 2 for all pixels
Initialize Presence Map Presence map The set of presence probabilities of the pixels inside the object Head line Scan the torso projection profile H 0 (y i ) y HL =arg min yi H 0 (y i ) Torso line Central vertical axis Probabilities of the pixels will be larger
Bayesian Classification Only consider pixels in the neighborhood of an object P posteriori (O k |i) : posterior prob. of pixel i belong to object O k P(i|O k ) : probability defined by torso or bottom model P priori (O k ) : presence probability of O k Relative coordinate Defined by the head line and central axis Color model selection for torso or bottom If P posteriori (O k |i) >=0.05, then i classified to O k
Outline Introduction Initialization and Pixel Classification Single Object Tracking Tracking Occluded Objects Experimental Results Conclusion
Single Object Tracking Flow chart of single object tracking Newcomer detection By using background subtraction
Tracking process Calculate angles and magnitudes of the flow vectors in the neighborhood of window Quantize the direction into 12 bins (30 degree/bin) and determine which bin object belong to Find the most significant bin and calculate average flow Shift object window by average flow
Update presence map Size and shape of a moving object change over time Need to update the presence map If pixel at (x r, y r ) classified correctly, increase the corresponding priori prob. for every 10 frames
Outline Introduction Initialization and Pixel Classification Single Object Tracking Tracking Occluded Objects Experimental Results Conclusion
Tracking Occluded Objects Optical flow and presence probability are unreliable Only use color models to estimate object ’ s central vertical axis Use distance between central axes to determine object becomes separable
Occlusion detection Each individual object has five attributes based on its activity Two object windows touch and form an occlusion window Two object windows overlap and form an occlusion window A single object joins an occlusion and form a new occlusion window
Occlusion group separation Compute distance between every two objects in an occlusion group as If Two extreme objects O i and O i+1 If |d i | > threshold, then determine O i or O i+1 can be separate from the original occlusion
Object separation example separate
Resume tracking One an object separate from occlusion, we need to update: Object window location, head line, and torso line Central vertical axis Left and right boundary Scan the vertical projection profile of O k From the central vertical axis leftward and then rightward Head line and torso line Analyze the horizontal projection profile
Outline Introduction Initialization and Pixel Classification Single Object Tracking Tracking Occluded Objects Experimental Results Conclusion
Tracking example 1 Format: Image frame is 160x120x24 bits, 15 frames/sec Occlusion 1 Occlusion 2 Object 2 separate and join occlusion 1 single object 4 occlusion 1
Tracking example 2 Two occlusion groups merge as one and then separate to another two occlusion groups
System evaluation and error analysis Three separation events: 2-object, 3-object, and 4-object separation event Define separation occurs ’ accuracy based on: A single object leaves an occlusion and track him correctly afterward If an occlusion splits into two, system identify the correct objects in the two pairs. More 2-object separation events
Outline Introduction Initialization and Pixel Classification Single Object Tracking Tracking Occluded Objects Experimental Results Conclusion
Conclusion Object tracking consists of: Gaussian mixture model Presence probability Optical flow Objects under occlusion Use color model to distinguish each object and locate central vertical axes Object separation Determine by distances between the central vertical axes of objects