2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this meeting, student will expected to be able to : Student can explain all kinds of projection tinder and draw house remain modestly. Student can yield house projection picture remain modestly.
3 Outline Materi Items 1: Tinder of Trimetric. Items 2: Oblique Tinder Projection. Items 3: Representative Of Seeing House and Cutting. Items 4: Projection Dot, Line and Object at room and area.
4 Trimetric Projection TRIMETRIC PROJECTION Trimetric projection represent modification farther than isometric projection. At trimetric projection there are 3 scale.
6 Oblique Projection. Oblique Tinder Projection.
10 Dot Projection at Area Level off Projection Dot projection at Area Level off. = projection area (levelling off) P = dot outside area P1 = projection of P at area PP1 = distance dot P to area
11 Line Projection at Area Level off Area parallel line. Line AB outside area and parallel area . Line A1B1 is line projection AB at area AB = A1B1 AA1 = BB1
12 Line angular shape with area. Line AB outside area and angular shape with area . Line A1B1 is line projection AB at area . AB A1B1 AA1 BB1
13 Diametrical plump line with area. Line of AB outside area and is vertical area . Line A1B1 is line projection AB at area .
14 Area Projection at Area Level off. Area parallel with projection area. ABC area is outside of area and parallel. Area A1B1C1 is area projection ABC at area . AA1 = BB1 = CC1 ABC = A1B1C1
15 Area angular shape with projection area. Area ABC outside and angular shape. Area A1B1C1 is projection area ABC at area . ABC A1B1C1
16 Area angular shape with projection area. Area ABC outside and angular shape. Area A1B1C1 is projection area ABC at area .
17 Projection Object at Area Level off Projection Object at Area Level off. ABCD object is outside of area . A1B1C1D1 is projection object ABCD at area .
18 Dot Projection at Area Level off and is Vertical. = projection area level off. = vertical projection area. P = dot outside area and P1 = dot P projection at area P2 = dot P projection at area
19 Area and made to become one area draw with its intersection ( , ) considered to be hasp P1P2 ( , ).
20 Line Projection At Area Level off and is Vertical. Line of PQ is outside at area and . Line of P1Q1 is line projection of PQ at area Line of P2Q2 is line projection of PQ at area
21 P1 P2 ( , ) Q1 Q2 ( , )