Oulu University of Applied Sciences Research and Development, Regional Development Work and Working Life Co-operation
Finnish Education System
Institution of Higher Education Meeting the Needs of Northern Finland –8 235 students including 176 degree students and 238 exchange students from altogether ca. 53 countries –1 470 annual intake in the education leading to a degree for young people –1 200 students in adult education –1 100 completed degrees annually
Institution of Higher Education Meeting the Needs of Northern Finland – 700 teachers and other staff members 76 senior teachers of which 26 % have a Doctor’s Degree and 40 % have a Licentiate’s Degree 372 full-time teachers of which 88 % have at least a Master’s Degree In addition, 105 visiting teachers experts from abroad – € 45 million annual turnover
Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ Locations and Educational Responsibilities in 2005
Educational Responsibilities in Northern Finland
Educational Responsibilities in the Whole Finland
About 90 % of students come from the Provinces of Oulu and Lapland. Over 80 % of students come from Northern Ostrobothnia. Students from Northern Finland
Strategic Operating Region
Special Characteristics of Operating Region – Regional variations in the education level of the population of Northern Finland are great. – Northern Ostrobothnia’s age structure is young. This reflects to the growth of the work force and the lower than average employment rate. – Northern Ostrobothnia has exceptionally strong basic industry. – Emphasis of growth in the operating region is estimated to be on telecommunications, bio, medical and environmental fields, metal industry, computing, business life and other services.
Research Expenditure Per Capita Per Province Source: Statistics Finland 2004.
Competitiveness Index of Finland
University of Applied Sciences’ Functions and Their Relations Source: Strategy for the Regional Development of the Institutes of Higher Education in Northern Karelia in 2003–2006. (Applied).
University of Applied Sciences’ Role in Research and Development
University of Applied Sciences Research and Development – Improves polytechnic education and serves working life, – is vocationally oriented and – enables education’s flexible response to changes in needs for expertise.
University of Applied Sciences in Regional Development – Educating work force for regional needs, – developing project and innovation activities, – supporting entrepreneurship, – taking part in the regional strategy development, – taking part in the regional centre and centres of expertise programmes and – promoting international interaction.
Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ Innovation Environment
Strategy Planning Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ participation in planning regional strategies in Northern Finland in 2002–2003.
Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ Participation in Centres of Expertise Centre of Expertise Programmes support regional strengths, specialisation between regions and co-operation.
Oulu University of Applied Sciences Participates in Regional Centres Regional Centre Programmes support, conurbations of various sizes in development into active centres, development of competitiveness of know-how based conurbations as well as co- operation between municipalities, companies, schools and research units.
Research and Development Focus Areas – The University of Applied Sciences is committed to implementation of Oulu 2006 Growth Agreement, which is part of Objective 2 - programme of the EU. – Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ focus areas of research and development are: Welfare Information technology Media and content production Environment Business development
Research and Development’s Vision 2010 Research and development work is a natural and essential part of the activities of the staff and students of the University of Applied Sciences. Oulu University of Applied Sciences is a forerunner of working life’s research and development work, and a sought-after and esteemed co- operation partner. R&d strategy 2010
Critical Success Factors of the University of Applied Sciences R&d strategy 2010
Customer Perspective Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ critical success factors, evaluation criteria and objectives of research and development customer perspective for R&d strategy 2010
Resources and Finance The critical success factors, evaluation criteria and objectives for 2010, related to Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ resources and economy. R&d strategy 2010
Processes and structures The critical success factors, evaluation criteria and objectives for 2010 related to Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ structure and processes. R&d strategy 2010
Renewal and Working Ability The critical success factors, evaluation criteria and objectives for 2010 related to Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ renewal and working ability of personnel. R&d strategy 2010
Number of Persons ( 10% of Working Hours) and Man-Years Involved in the Research and Development Work in 2004
Proportion of Doctors and Licentiates in the Persons Involved in Research and Development Work ( 10% of Working Hours) in 2004
Outside Capital Used for Research in 2002–2004
Research and Development According to Statistics Finland in 2004 Research and development according to Statistics Finland 2004: Oulu University of Applied Sciences in comparison with all University of Applied Sciences’ (average).
Part of Work and Life – University of Applied Sciences offers work- and economic life projects and development projects, theses, trainees and employees and education and expert services. Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ is part of Jobstep.net service, that makes it possible for employers to find student CV’s through the service, and advertise vacant trainee and thesis positions, as well as jobs.
Theses for Needs of the Working Life – Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ Bachelor theses have succeeded in the National Polytechnic Thesis Competition. In Thesis Competition Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ students and their tutors have been awarded nine times and given honourable mention four years.
– The Awarded University of Applied Sciences’ theses in 2004 Thesis Competition: Horticulturists Kaisu Manninen and Mikko Parttimaa from the School of Renewable Natural Resources. Tutors Raili Hokajärvi and Pauli Juntunen Bachelor’s Thesis: General Plan for Silviculture of the Forests in Densely Populated Areas – Neighbourhood and Protection Forest Areas (City of Oulu) – Commendation: Physiotherapists Virpi Kaasinen and Katja Korhonen from the School of Health and Social Care Tutors: Eija Mämmelä and Milja Ruokamo Bachelor’s Thesis: Functioning Capability Test for Leukaemia Patients. Theses for Needs of the Working Life
Projects for improving the Working Life Projects help to develop – the competitiveness of regional economic life, – leisure time and well-being services and – Polytechnic’s education and connections with working life. In projects the University of Applied Sciences can act as a coordinator or partner.
Ongoing Projects in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005
The Financiers and Assets in Projects Ongoing in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005
Contact Information In matters concerning research and development as well as regional development work, please contact the Rector’s Office: – Irene Isohanni, Director of Research and Development – Allan Perttunen, Head of International Relations and Development – Sari Järvinen, Planning Officer – Sirpa Ahvenlampi, Planning Officer