Approaches to Dealing with Involved Parents
Mindsets for Working with Parents Parents trust us with the most precious things in their lives – their children. To educate the whole child we need to work in partnership with the parents. Research is very clear that the best situation for the child is when parents and teachers work well together.
Communication is the Key Regardless of our relationship with the parent, we must communicate regularly and purposefully. We must always remain pleasant, positive and professional. Positive telephone calls build credibility.
An Ear, Not an Answer Oftentimes parents just need someone to listen – someone they know cares about their child. A listening ear can lessen the severity of another person’s concerns.
What if they are upset or angry? Listen for what the underlying problem is. Let them talk as long as the conversation is productive. Never argue, yell, use sarcasm, or behave unprofessionally with parents.
Teachers and Parents in Partnership Make Successful Students “ Collaborative discourse between parents and teachers – both as a methodology and as a desired outcome – is crucial for better relations between parents and teachers, and therefore for the improvement of schools.” Debra Miretzky, National Society for the Study of Education