Making the Case With High-Impact Proposals Development Communications & Marketing January 26, 2010
2 Topics Introduction A Simple Strategy First Things First Tools of the Craft Looks Matter Proposal Toolkit Highlights Resources Free-form!
3 Introduction “You and I are in the vision business.”
4 Introduction “If there is a common denominator in successful appeals, it is this: they always, always, focus on securing the well being of living things -– human, animal and ecological. Remember this one fact and your letters and proposals will home in on the well-spring of caring running deep in us all.”
5 A Simple Strategy Why Us? Why Now? Why You?
6 A Simple Strategy Why Us? It’s not what you do. It’s why.
7 A Simple Strategy Why Us? If we were to go away tomorrow, what would go away that’s of real value to the world?
8 A Simple Strategy Why Us? Spark the donor’s interest
9 A Simple Strategy Why Now? The Tao of Now
10 A Simple Strategy Why You? “The heart hath its reasons which reason knoweth not.”
11 A Simple Strategy Why You? A mental checklist: Donor-centric? Psychology-based?
12 First Things First Where to start: know your audience Gift basics + Donor passions = Perfect match
13 Tools of the Craft AA II DD AA
14 Tools of the Craft Preparing the canvas Establish the need, tapping in to donor’s passion Explain how the organization is ideally suited to solve it Illustrate how the donor will be a valuable partner Pinpoint the gift’s ultimate impact to beneficiaries Burnish the donor’s charitable legacy
15 Tools of the Craft Painting the picture Cover letter Executive summary Statement of need Project description Org’s qualifications Stewardship The ask Conclusion
16 Tools of the Craft Painting the picture Writing by committee is hazardous to your health
17 Tools of the Craft Painting the picture Clarity Brevity Accuracy
18 Tools of the Craft “Just do it.” Nike corporate slogan
19 Tools of the Craft “While an occasional disinclination to exercise is exhibited by all age cohorts, the likelihood of positive health outcomes makes even mildly strenuous physical activity all the more imperative.” Nike corporate slogan rewritten by non-profit
20 Looks Matter Finishing touches Design for success
21 Looks Matter Bruin Scholars Initiative
22 Looks Matter Finishing touches Reader-friendly tools
23 Looks Matter Custom Proposal (before)
24 Looks Matter Custom Proposal (after)
25 Proposal Toolkit Highlights
26 Resources “Writing for a Good Cause: The Complete Guide to Crafting Proposals and Other Persuasive Pieces for Nonprofits”; J. and D. Barbato Internet Research: Pew Internet and American Life Project Internet Giving Benchmarking Analysis “Differentiate or Die: Survival in Our Era of Killer Competition”; Jack Trout
27 Free-form What else? Questions? Answers? Challenges? Trouble shooting?
28 Thank you! Call: Write: Stop by: Wilshire Center, Suite 1000