The Global Consciousness Project Weak Signals, Strong Implications Roger Nelson Yellow spots are nodes in the network
The EGG Project (aka the Global Consciousness Project) Roger Nelson, Director International collaboration 75 Scientists, Artists, Friends, … Network of host sites world wide The tools: REG technology, Field application Make an EEG for the earth, an ElectroGaiaGram Identify engaging moments of global events The question: Can we capture a Glimmering of Global Consciousness?
Homepage Status Day Sum Results Extract Magic Buttons Primary Links Menu at Bottom Berger: Web Design
The technology is only now available Electronics, Computers, Networking REG/RNG devices run continuously Synchronized computers and software Internet transfer of data to central server Automatic archiving, public access Formal analyses and explorations Background, methods, poetic history
A Random Event Generator (REG or RNG) Mindsong REG Orion RNG
How it works: Here’s 1000 Trials from A physical random source Each trial is the sum of 200 bits
The binomial distribution of bit trials, compared with Theoretical normal distribution expected
Composing the data as a Random Walk (a “drunkard’s walk”) by plotting the cumulative deviation from expectation
Here we see the combined data for a whole day, from 48 eggs
We can see better what’s happening by plotting cumulative deviations Correlation Tilts … Variance Spreads
For most of the formal predictions We specify a “Standard Analysis” Normalized signed deviation of mean, z i = (m i - )/ Composite across eggs: Stouffer Z s = ( z i )/N 1/2 Composite Z is squared for 2 distributed statistic Large cumulative sum of Z s 2 – 1 or 2 – df Reflects inter-egg correlation, or Consistent large deviations, or both
Cumulative sum of its expectation May show a trend if there is a common Influence or correlation among the eggs
When we make a composite across eggs, the cumulative deviation may show a trend
Since Earth Day is a repeating event, we can examine the previous year’s data too
And the year before that … from which we learn once again how much we don’t know