e/ Final state Jaewon Park University of Rochester
2 Calibration Tracker EcalHcal 1/Calib=Es/E(beam) Calibration constants for electron Tracker: 1 Ecal: Hcal: 12.26
3 Vz: module 1-10 Tracker: 10 module TP containment
4 TP (hc) containment Vz: module 1-10 Tracker: 10 module Ecal: 8 modules Hcal: 2 modules
5 I check containment with calibration data file. Semi-infinite Ecal and Semi-infinite Hcal
7 Energy deposit in scintillator plane in upper plot. Hcal has only one scint plan e per frame, while ecal two t wo. The x-scale is different for e cal and hcal. If I plot hcal into two scintilla tor plane, it become like righ t plot.
8 It looks inconsistent with previou s plot. Need to check the code more.