The Pathway to Success Goal Five Diversify Revenue: Philanthropy, Contracts and Grants Expand and diversify revenue sources to enhance the University’s ability to fulfill its teaching, research, and service mission.
The Pathway to Success Goal Five Diversify Revenue: Philanthropy, Contracts and Grants Goal Chairs:Ed Kinley, Gene Crume Audit Chair:Brad Sims
The Pathway to Success Goal #5 Benchmarks Grants and Contracts Awards – Per OSP$9,868,158$13,771,723$18,387,926 Indirect Awards from grants and contracts – Per OSP $541,561$638,939 $994,010
The Pathway to Success Goal #5 Benchmarks Gross Tuition and Fees (from financial stmts)$68,086,839$74,362,928$91,113,237 Funds transferred from ISU Foundation in support of ISU $8,474,455$10,530,193$15,417,256 Non-institutional revenue for athletics$2,914,094$2,870,005MVC Average MVC Average Revenue$3,429,283$3,360,724*TBD * Lags one year
The Pathway to Success Goal #5 Benchmarks Total number of Donors to ISU Foundation9,1389,77611,883 Number of Engaged Alumni – see model below – Unduplicated Base started in ,4004,000 Capital Campaign$28,784,433$59,100,446$85,000,000* * Goal for December 31, 2011
The Pathway to Success Initiatives 1.Enhance grant and contract activity 2.Strengthen the engagement of alumni in the life of the University
The Pathway to Success Initiative 1:Enhance Grant and Contract Activity Team Members: Mark Green (Chair) Jeff Edwards Jay Gatrell Dawn Underwood Kelly Wilkinson Programs put into place this past year to support and provide incentive to faculty, staff and departments to secure grants and contracts Consulting support; training/workshops; incentive awards for funded proposals; planning activities for each college Revenue goals – FY 2010 will be $8 million and 2014 goal is $18 million Need for a cohesive, institutional-wide strategy
The Pathway to Success Initiative 2:Strengthen the Engagement of Alumni in the Life of the University Team Members: Chris Hancock (Chair) Alumni Board Engagement defined as any three of the following Donor; Volunteer; Membership; Social network; Event attendance; License plate; Affinity program Implementation of numerous programs and processes – new alumni membership program; new donor/alumni database; growth in alumni clubs; expanded partnerships with academic units International alumni club – Bangkok, Thailand
The Pathway to Success Initiative 2:Strengthen the Engagement of Alumni in the Life of the University MARCH ON! campaign is going well and currently at $74.9 million of the $85 million goal Execution and follow through are the focus in order to accomplish this initiative
The Pathway to Success Questions: 1.What are your recommendations for a university-wide process to create a cohesive strategic direction and commitment for grants and contracts? 2.What are some strategies that you recommend to expand the awareness and success of the MARCH ON! campaign on campus?