W’ tb lnubb efficiency VS. electron/muon P T cut muon channel electron channel
Event selections at least 1 electron object quality cut cluster E T > 20GeV author: 1 or 3 isEM Robust Medium η cut: 0 < |η| < 1.37, 1.52 < |η| < 2.47 OR at least 1 muon z0 (distance between the place where the muon was created and the nearest primary vertex) < 10mm |η| < 2.4 reconstructed by combining tracks in the muon spectrometer and inner detector P T > 20GeV (|P T,ID – P T,MS |/P T,ID ) < 0.5 author: 6 tracker hits requirement ptCone20ratio < 0.1 AND missing E T missing E T cleaning to reject “bad” MET missing E T adjusted for muon events W electron event required a tight electron MET > 25GeV (mistake was found on 20 April 2011 that this cut was not actually applied on 16 April) transverse mass of W > 40GeV at least 2 jets cone size ΔR=0.4 P T > 20GeV |η| < 4.5 isGood remove jets that overlap with leptons at least 1 btag sv0 > 5.85