MICE analysis meeting - (6/4/2006) 1 Update on MICE – step III M. Apollonio – University of Oxford.


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Presentation transcript:

MICE analysis meeting - (6/4/2006) 1 Update on MICE – step III M. Apollonio – University of Oxford

MICE analysis meeting - (6/4/2006) 2 Investigate emittance growth tested emittance growth for LiH (2 absorbers) with several absorbers and NO spread in Pz

MICE analysis meeting - (6/4/2006) 3  parameters used in simulation  Pz=207 MeV/c with a spread of 10% and spread of 0%  initial emittances ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 (cm rad)  generated muons per point (i.e. initial emittance)  lost muons: worse cases at high initial  (=1.0 cm rad)  4% (LiH, C, non flip mode)  3% (C, flip mode)

MICE analysis meeting - (6/4/2006) 4 1.2x3 cm LiH 2.2x4 “ “ 3.2x5 “ “ 4.2x6 “ “ 5.2x7 “ “ NO spread in Pz Spread in Pz (10%)