SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Welcome! Strategically Targeted Research in Intelligent Built Environmental Systems EPA Contract # CR & X July 31 - August 1, 2007
Strategically Targeted Research in Intelligent Built Environmental Systems EPA Contracts # CR & X Program Overview H. Ezzat Khalifa Syracuse University
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Presentation Overview o Program Rationale o Program at a Glance o Program Scope o Response to 05 SAC Report o SAC Review Agenda
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ First, Do No Harm… o Although control of IEQ at the individual level has been shown to improve thermal comfort and IAQ, and enhance satisfaction and work output, large scale adoption is impeded by lack of attention to: u System-wide interactions and optimization u Cost implications (e.g., energy consumption) u Economic implications of high uncertainty of outcome o Large scale implementation is likely only if improvement in IAQ can be obtained with no increase in system-wide energy consumption, operating and fixed costs o It is not sufficient to attack this problem in a compartmentalized fashion – a systems approach is essential Optimal solutions require a cross-disciplinary, systems-driven approach…
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Program at a Glance o Cooperative Agreement3 between Syracuse University and EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory / Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division: u EPA03 CR FStart Date:September 01, 2004 FPeriod:36 Months FFunding:$4.47M u EPA04 X FStart Date:September 15, 2005 FPeriod:36 Months FFunding:$3.57M o Participating Institutions: u Syracuse University (Prime) u Clarkson University u Cornell University u NYIEQ Center, Inc (with SUNY ESF, SUNY UMU, Inficon…)
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Program Scope o A multi-disciplinary program of fundamental research, enabling technology development and technology demonstration focused on intelligent built environmental systems that enhance health, productivity, security & sustainability… u Generate basic data (emissions; transport; exposure; human response) u Develop methods and tools u Develop enabling technologies u Evaluate in integrated systems testbeds Methods & Tools Development IE Characterization Control & Optimization of IEQ Effect of IEQ on Human Performance
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Budget Distribution – EPA03 Total 36 months funding of program: $4.47M…
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ EPA04 Program Scope Many of the EPA04 tasks are natural extensions of the ongoing EPA03 tasks… But some are entirely new… ThrustThrust Title EPA Interest EPA03 Link 1Characterization of indoor contaminant sources2a, b T1.A; T2.A 2Formation, fate and transport of indoor PM3a, b, eT2.0 3Dispersion of and exposure to pollutants in office buildings4a, b; 5 T2.0; T5.A 4Effect of IEQ on human productivity1a, b T4.B; T5.A 5Management of the built environment to reduce risk6a, b; 1b T5.A; T3.0
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Budget Distribution – EPA04 Total 36 months funding of program: $3.57M…
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Response to 2005 SAC Report - 1 o Task teams have articulated their strategic focus -- their raison d’etre, and have defined the IAQ problems they are seeking to solve: u See Task Presentations o Justification for the “elaborate” programs have been reassessed and changes made. Simpler systems-level models are being used to focus the research: u For example, see Tabs E (CFD) and R (CHAMP) for justification of elaborate work, and Tab G for the use of simpler models. o Tasks are now better integrated and research teams working on related tasks conduct joint research meetings. u See, for example, Tabs E, F, G, H, I, and T. Other changes are covered in the task presentations that follow...
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Response to 2005 SAC Report - 2 o Task teams have conducted extensive literature reviews and networked with researchers conducting similar research. o A spectrum of modeling tools have and are being developed, ranging from simpler reduced-order models for optimization and control to very detailed models for exploring details within the PME or to “calibrate” the simpler models. u See, for example, Tabs E, F, G, I, R, and T. o The use of TVOC as a measure of IAQ is deemphasized and is now being explored only as a surrogate in ventilation control (as CO 2 is used in demand-controlled ventilation). u TVOC may correlate better with emissions from materials than CO 2. Other changes are covered in the task presentations that follow...
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Response to 2005 SAC Report - 3 o Ole Fanger has joined the SU faculty as a University Professor and is providing guidance from health and human response research. u Prof. Fanger is already engaged with our research team defining an expanded research portfolio in human response. o A $3M research facility (the STAR Center’s Carrier Total Indoor Quality (TIEQ) laboratory is being designed as part of the CoE-EES HQ building downtown (to be ready in 2008). u The TIEQ laboratory is aimed at the study of human response under controlled conditions. u Input from Profs. Fanger and Hedge has been received. o We have initiated discussions with EPA about exchange of students and faculty (both longer term and shorter term): u Some prospects for placement of some of our PhD graduates at EPA have been explored but did not work out because of Visa issues. Other changes are covered in the task presentations that follow...
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Response to 2005 SAC Report - 4 o The Task on the personal dust cloud (A. Ferro’s Task 2.A in EPA03) has been expanded through EPA04 funding to address SAC comments. o The Sensors and Controls Task (EPA03-T3) has been redirected toward a greater emphasis on CO 2 (and possibly TVOC) sensing for ventilation control in buildings with ubiquitous occupant-controlled micro-environments. u The system will be demonstrated in a 16-cubicle testbed to be completed in Link Hall in 2007 (ICUBE). o Greater emphasis in EPA04 is placed on a reduced-order modeling of the transport of contaminants in multi-zone buildings in which there is an interconnected combination of well-mixed zones (rooms) and open non-uniform spaces: u For system-level IEQ/Energy optimization and near-real-time control. Other changes are covered in the task presentations that follow...
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Agenda: Day 1 (7/31/07)
SAC Review 07/31-08/01/ Agenda: Day 2 (8/01/07)